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Marshmallow & chocolate stout
Het bier is zwart, met bruin schuim. Man, wat ruikt dat zoet! Karamel? Hopjesvla?
Nu is het mondgevoel wat waterig. Ik had het crèmerig verwacht, maar het is geen mlkshake. De smaak die als eerste opvalt is de leegte. Haast waterig te noemen?? In de afdronk herken je echter heel duidelijk de marshmallow en de chocoladebitterheid. Het is een bijzonder bier. Erg zoet. Iets voor een toetje?
Wat vinden anderen?
Layer cake is een pastry stout van brewdog uit aberdeen, schotland. In dit biertje kom je smaken tegen van marshmallow, chocolade en vanille. Deze pastry stout is de definitie van een toetje in een blikje. Een groot vloeibaar spekje. (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Brewdog+Layer+Cake&source=hp&ei=FoQ_Yq_LFo_ykgXhka6wCA&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYj-SJsOW9oxuEgcpcxiHfo1a99MB9Tl8&ved=0ahUKEwivrvnp2uT2AhUPuaQKHeGIC4YQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=Brewdog+Layer+Cake&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHlAAWABg4rcJaAFwAHgAgAE_iAE_kgEBMZgBAKABAqABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz)
Layer Cake, een smaakvol en decadent donker bier. Je moet het geprobeerd hebben om het te geloven. Lagen marshmallow, chocolade brownie, vanille en gepelde cacaobonen, dit is een dessert in een blikje. (https://www.brewdog.com/nl/layer-cake-nl)
ingrediënten open Water, gemoute gerst, lactose (melk), gemoute haver, gist, natuurlijke aroma's, hop. KLEUR icon HOP Columbus icon MOUTEN Carafa, Chocolate, Munich, Oats, Pale, Medium Crystal, Extra Dark Crystal, Caramalt icon STIJL Stout (https://www.brewdog.com/nl/layer-cake-nl)
BrewDog Layer Cake Dit bier combineert smaken van chocoladebrownies, cacao nibs, marshmallow en tonen van vanille. Een ware traktatie! Durf jij dit bier aan? Chocolade, vanille en marshmellow Waanzinnig lekker bij: Chocoladedesserts De grootste smaakexplosie op: 8-10 graden Celsius (https://daretodrinkdifferent.nl/alle-bieren/brewdog-layer-cake-blik-44cl/)
Layer Cake is een op s’mores geïnspireerde stout met een robuuste, geroosterde moutbasis en een zijdezacht mondgevoel. Dit bier combineert smaken van chocoladebrownies, cacao nibs, marshmallow en tonen van vanille. Een ware traktatie! (https://www.bierenco.nl/product/brewdog-layer-cake/)
Layer Cake is een op s’mores geïnspireerde stout met een robuuste, geroosterde moutbasis en een zijdezacht mondgevoel. Dit bier combineert smaken van chocoladebrownies, cacao nibs, marshmallow en tonen van vanille. Een ware traktatie! (https://bier-online.nl/product/brewdog-layer-cake/)
Over de brouwerij In 2007 begonnen James en Martin BrewDog met een missie om andere mensen net zo gepassioneerd te maken over geweldig ambachtelijk bier als zij. In april 2007, op een godvergeten industrieterrein in het noordoosten van Schotland, brulde BrewDog de wereld in. (https://bier-online.nl/product/brewdog-layer-cake/)
Wat zijn s'mores nu weer?
Een klassiek Amerikaans zomertoetje: s’mores. Je kunt ze op een kampvuur of op de barbecue maken, maar natuurlijk ook gewoon binnen, met de grillstand van je oven. (https://www.culy.nl/recepten/smores/)
Breek de reep chocolade met pinda en krokante stukjes in stukjes. Leg de tea biscuits op een grote schaal en verdeel de chocolade erover. Rijg de marshmallows aan metalen spiesen en rooster ze boven de nog hete barbecue. Leg op elk koekje voorzichtig een warme marshmallow, zodat de chocolade een beetje smelt, en serveer. BereidingstipJe kunt de s’mores ook in de oven op de grillstand maken. Verwarm de grill voor. Leg de koekjes met de chocolade en daarop een marshmallow op de bakplaat en zet ca. 2 min. in het midden van de oven. (https://www.ah.nl/allerhande/recept/R-R1190408/open-s-mores)
S'mores: A s'more is a campfire treat popular in the United States and Canada, consisting of one or more toasted marshmallows and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker. S'more is a contraction of the phrase "some more". S'mores appeared in a cookbook in the early 1920s,[1][2] where it was called a "Graham Cracker Sandwich". The text indicates that the treat was already popular with both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. In 1927, a recipe for "Some More" was published in Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.[3][4] The contracted term "s'mores" appears in conjunction with the recipe in a 1938 publication aimed at summer camps.[2] A 1956 recipe uses the name "S'Mores", and lists the ingredients as "a sandwich of two graham crackers, toasted marshmallow and 1⁄2 chocolate bar". A 1957 Betty Crocker cookbook contains a similar recipe under the name of "s'mores".[5] The 1958 publication Intramural and Recreational Sports for High School and College makes reference to "marshmallow toasts" and "s'mores hikes"[6] as does its related predecessor, Intramural and Recreational Sports for Men and Women, published in 1949.[7] S'mores are traditionally cooked over a campfire, although they can also be made at home over the flame of a wood-burning fireplace, in an oven, over a stove's flame, in a microwave, with a s'mores-making kit, or made in a panini press. A marshmallow, usually held by a metal or wooden skewer, is heated over the fire until it is golden brown. Traditionally, the marshmallow is gooey but not burnt, but, depending on individual preference and cooking time, marshmallows can range from barely warm to charred. The roasted marshmallow is then sandwiched between two halves of a graham cracker and a piece of chocolate (or with chocolate on both top and bottom), between the graham crackers.[8] An additional step may follow, wherein the entire sandwich is wrapped in foil and heated so that the chocolate partially melts.[9] Various confections containing graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow are often sold as some derivative of a s'more, but they are not necessarily heated or served in the same shape as the traditional s'mores. The Hershey's S'mores bar is one example. Kellogg's Pop-Tarts also feature a s'mores variety. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%27more)
A banana boat is a traditional campfire treat consisting of a banana cut lengthwise and stuffed with marshmallow and chocolate, then wrapped in aluminium foil and cooked in the embers left over from a campfire. Sometimes the banana boat is topped with caramel sauce prior to cooking. The banana boat is sometimes referred to as a hybrid between a Banana split and a S'more. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_boat_(food))
Waar komen marshmallows vandaan?
Marshmallow (UK: /mɑːrʃˈmæloʊ/, US: /ˈmɑːrʃmɛloʊ, -mæl-/)[1] is a type of confectionery that is typically made from sugar, water and gelatin whipped to a solid-but-soft consistency. It is used as a filling in baking or normally molded into shapes and coated with corn starch. The sugar confection is inspired by a historical medicinal confection made from Althaea officinalis, the marsh-mallow plant.[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow)
The word "marshmallow" comes from the mallow plant species (Althaea officinalis), a herb native to parts of Europe, North Africa, and Asia which grows in marshes and other damp areas. The plant's stem and leaves are fleshy, and its white flower has five petals. It is not known exactly when marshmallows were invented, but their history goes back as early as 2000 BCE. Ancient Egyptians were said to be the first to make and use the root of the plant to soothe coughs and sore throats and to heal wounds. The first marshmallows were prepared by boiling pieces of root pulp with honey until thick. Once thickened, the mixture was strained, cooled, then used as intended.[3][4] Whether used for candy or medicine, the manufacture of marshmallows was limited to a small scale. In the early- to mid-1800s, the marshmallow had made its way to France, where confectioners augmented the plant's traditional medicinal value with indulgent ingredients utilized by the Egyptians. Owners of small candy stores would whip the sap from the mallow root into a fluffy candy mold. This candy, called Pâte de Guimauve, was a spongy-soft dessert made from whipping dried marshmallow roots with sugar, water, and egg whites.[5][6] It was sold in bar form as a lozenge. Drying and preparation of the marshmallow took one-to-two days before the final product was produced.[7] In the late 1800s, candy makers started looking for a new process and discovered the starch mogul system, in which trays of modified corn starch had a mold firmly pushed down in them to create cavities within the starch. The cavities were then filled with the whipped marshmallow sap mixture and allowed to cool or harden.[8] At the same time, candy makers began to replace the mallow root with gelatin which created a stable form of marshmallow.[4] By the early 1900s, thanks to the starch mogul system, marshmallows were introduced to the United States and available for mass consumption. They were sold in tins as penny candy and were soon used in a variety of food recipes like banana fluff, lime mallow sponge, and tutti frutti. In 1956, Alex Doumak patented[9] the extrusion process which involved running marshmallow ingredients through tubes. The tubes created a long rope of marshmallow mixture and were then set out to cool. The ingredients were then cut into equal pieces and packaged.[4] Modern marshmallow manufacturing is highly automated and has been since the early 1950s when the extrusion process was first developed. Numerous improvements and advancements allow for the production of thousands of pounds of marshmallow a day.[10] Today, the marshmallow typically consists of four ingredients: sugar, water, air, and a whipping agent (usually a protein). The type of sugar and whipping agent varies depending on desired characteristics. Each ingredient plays a specific role in the final product. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow)
Confectioners in early 19th century France pioneered the innovation of whipping up the marshmallow sap and sweetening it to make a confection similar to modern marshmallow. The confection was made locally by the owners of small sweet shops. They would extract the sap from the mallow plant's root and whip it themselves. The candy was very popular, but its manufacture was labour-intensive. In the late 19th century, French manufacturers thought of using egg whites or gelatin, combined with modified corn starch, to create the chewy base. This avoided the labour-intensive extraction process, but it did require industrial methods to combine the gelatin and corn starch in the right way.[11][12] Another milestone in the production of marshmallows was the development of the extrusion process by the Greek American confectioner Alex Doumak, of Doumak Inc., in the late 1940s. In this process, which Doumak patented in 1956,[9] marshmallow mixture is pumped through extrusion heads with numerous ports aligned next to each other which form continuous "ropes" of marshmallow. This invention allowed marshmallows to be manufactured in a fully automated way and gives us the familiar cylindrical shape of today's marshmallow. To make marshmallows in large quantities, industrial confectioners mix water, sugar, and corn syrup in massive kettles which are then heated to a precise temperature and cooked for a precise time. This mixture is then pumped into another kettle to cool. Once the mixture has cooled enough to not denature the gelatin, the re-hydrated gelatin is added and blended in. To give the marshmallow its fluffiness, it is pumped through a blender while air is pumped into it. At this point, the mixture still needs to be cooled further so that it will hold its shape when extruded; it is pumped through a heat exchanger prior to being pumped through the extrusion heads and onto a wide conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is coated in corn starch and more corn starch is dusted onto the top of the marshmallow extrusion as it passes down the conveyor. A large knife the width of the conveyor is located at the end of this conveyor table that chops the extrusion into the size marshmallow desired. The pieces will then be tumbled in corn starch in a large drum, allowing the marshmallow to form its familiar skin and to allow pieces that did not get cut all the way to break apart.[12] Marshmallows, like most candies, are sweetened with sucrose. They are prepared by the aeration of mixtures of sucrose and proteins to a final density of about 0.5 g/ml. The molecular structure of marshmallows is simply a sugar solution blended with stabilizing structure agents such as gelatin, xanthan gum, or egg whites. The aforementioned structural components prevent the air from escaping and collapsing the marshmallows during aeration.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow)
A popular camping or backyard tradition in the United Kingdom,[22] North America, New Zealand and Australia is the roasting or toasting of marshmallows over a campfire or other open flame.[23] A marshmallow is placed on the end of a stick or skewer and held carefully over the fire. This creates a caramelized outer skin with a liquid, molten layer underneath. Major flavor compounds and color polymers associated with sugar browning are created during the caramelization process.[24] S'mores are a traditional campfire treat in the United States, made by placing a toasted marshmallow on a slab of chocolate, which is placed between two graham crackers. These can then be squeezed together, causing the chocolate to begin melting.[25] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow)
2000 B.C. Ancient Egyptians discover a wild herb growing in marshland from which a sweet substance could be extracted. This substance, the sap of the marshmallow plant, is combined with a honey-based candy recipe to create a confection so delightful that it’s reserved only for the pharaohs and the gods. 1800s Candy makers in France combine the marshmallow sap with egg whites and sugar and whip by hand to create the first marshmallows as we know them today. The treat became popular so quickly that candy makers developed the starch mogul system using corn starch molds to form the marshmallows so that they could be made faster. Doctors also used the sap combined with egg whites and sugar to form a hard meringue that was sold as a medicinal candy to soothe sore throats, suppress coughs and heal wounds. 1927 The Girl Scout Handbook is the first publication to share a recipe for roasted marshmallow combined with chocolate bars and graham crackers, what we know as a s’more. 1948 Alex Doumak (son of the founder of Doumak, Inc., the makers of Campfire Marshmallows) patented the marshmallow extrusion process, revolutionizing marshmallow production by making it fast and efficient. In extrusion, the marshmallow mixture is pressed through tubes, then cut into equal pieces, cooled and packaged. This new process allowed enough marshmallows to be produced that they became an everyday sweet treat and staple for favorite family recipes. (https://www.campfiremarshmallows.com/history-of-marshmallows/)
have you ever tried Brewdog’s LayeCake beer? Well, I’m not such a fun of sweet stouts. But I always thought it would I used have been amazing as an ingredient for a cake – I wasn’t wrong. My husband LOVES stouts. I LOVE IPAs. Which is funny, as when we met he was just a normal guy “I like good beers”. After we went to Ireland, for our first trip together (OMG I was just 18yo) I made him try some real stouts and he fell in love. However, stouts aren’t that kind of beers you can drink anytime and during lockdown we made a huge stock. Here I got the idea: LayerCake is so sweet and tasty, I could make a cake, using less sugar than normal (healthy!) and adding some ricotta and raspberries as a taste-contrast. YES. I’m a fan of salted caramel and never made it before. I thought it would go perfectly with the cake, so I added it as well. It was A BOMB. I’m not exaggerating. I believe I’ve never had such an amazing cake. We were supposed to give some to our building’s caretaker, but it finished much earlier. Please, DO NOT make my same mistake: wait for the caramel and cake to cool down. It won’t break and the final look will be much cuter! “Layer Cake, a rich and decadent stout that has to be tried to be believed. Layering marshmallow, chocolate brownie, vanilla and cocoa nibs, this is a dessert in a can.” (https://aliceinkitchen.com/marshmallow-and-chocolate-stout-brewdogs-layercake-bundt-cake/)