zaterdag 16 april 2022

American beauty een white oak DDH BRUT IPA

American Beauty is een Amerikaanse speelfilm uit 1999, geregisseerd door Sam Mendes. De film was het regiedebuut van de regisseur. De film verkent thema's als liefde, vrijheid, zelfbevrijding, familie en de Amerikaanse droom. Hierin concentreert het zich op de familie Burnham, die bestaat uit Lester, zijn vrouw Carolyn en hun dochter Jane. Belangrijke thema's in de film zijn het uiterlijk, succes en diepere kennis van andere mensen. De film won 5 Academy Awards, waaronder die van "Beste Film". (

Ik heb deze film gezien en snapte er niet veel van...

A sexually frustrated suburban father has a mid-life crisis after becoming infatuated with his daughter's best friend. (

Storyline After his death sometime in his 43rd year, suburbanite Lester Burnham tells of the last few weeks of his life, during which he had no idea of his imminent passing. He is a husband to real estate agent Carolyn Burnham and father to high school student Jane Burnham. Although Lester and Carolyn once loved each other, they now merely tolerate each other. Typical wallflower Jane also hates both her parents; the three suffer individually in silence in their home life. Jane tries to steer clear of both her parents. Carolyn, relatively new to the real estate business, wants to create the persona of success to further her career, aspiring to the professional life of Buddy Kane, the king of the real estate business in their neighborhood. Lester merely walks mindlessly through life, including at his job in advertising. His company is downsizing, and he, like all the other employees, has to justify his position to the newly hired efficiency expert to keep his job. Things change for Lester when he falls in love at first sight with Jane's more experienced classmate, Angela Hayes. Both Janie and Angela can see Lester's sexual infatuation with Angela, who courts such attention from any man as a sign that she is model material, she having once appeared in Seventeen and is a career to which she aspires. Lester's infatuation with Angela gives him a reenergized view on life, where he openly doesn't care anymore what anyone thinks about what he does, anyone except Angela. This infatuation coincides with the Fittses moving in next door: homophobic disciplinarian US Marine Colonel Frank Fitts who rules the house with a military fist (that fist being both figurative and literal), his semi-comatose wife Barbara Fitts, and their bright and quietly subversive 18-year-old son Ricky Fitts, who openly abides by his father's rules while behind the scenes lives by his own quite different perspective. Much like Lester's infatuation, Ricky immediately becomes infatuated with Jane; he considers girls like Angela as ordinary. The entry of Angela and the Fittses into the Burnhams' lives ultimately leads to each of the players confronting what is truly in his or her heart. (

Ik heb een blikje van Het Uiltje waar de Uil net zoals het meisje hierboven ligt tussen de hopbellen in plaats van rozenblaadjes. Het bier dat ik inschenk is lichtblond zoals een witbier. Het bier ruikt nietecht sterk naar hop. De smaak is lekker hopbitter, maar qua afdronk is het een beetje opvallende smaak. De carbonatie is mild en prettig. De afdronk kan ik niet zo plaatsen, maar het zou de 'brut' kunen zijn. 

American Beauty an Oak Aged DDH Brut IPA American Beauty White oak-aged, double dry-hopped Brut IPA.... Beer Specs ABV 6,5 IBU 15 EBC 7 MALT Pilsner Malt HOPS Ekuanot, Cascade, Centennial, Ariana, Cashmere CC 330 YEAST American Ale Beer Specs This white oak-aged, double dry-hopped Brut IPA will make you reminisce of beauty. The gold hazy colour with a cloudy white head does not beat around the bush and will go the whole nine yards with the intense fresh cut grass and vanilla aromas. The white oak is the cherry on the icing to enhance a solid background flavour. The owl has not left one single stone unturned during the journey of finding and harvesting the finest ingredients for this refreshing beer! The American beauty has a delightful balance and will take your tastebuds for a vigorous discovery, with an ABV percentage of 6.5% By now the curiosity must be rushing through your veins! Go ahead, put your best foot forward and give it a try! (

Deze Brut IPA, gerijpt op wit eikenhout en dubbel dry gehopt, doet je terugdenken aan schoonheid. De goudkleurige hazy met een troebele witte schuimkraag draait er niet omheen en laat je helemaal gaan in de intense aroma’s van vers gemaaid gras en vanille. Het witte eikenhout is de kers op de kers om een stevige achtergrond smaak te versterken. De Uil heeft geen middel onbeproefd gelaten tijdens de reis van het vinden en oogsten van de beste ingrediĆ«nten voor dit verfrissende bier! Deze Amerikaanse schoonheid heeft een verrukkelijke balans en neemt je smaakpapillen mee op een stevige ontdekkingstocht, met een ABV-percentage van 6,5% De nieuwsgierigheid zal nu wel door uw aderen gieren! Ga je gang, zet je beste beentje voor en probeer het eens! (

This beer is a three-way collaboration between Uiltje, Siren Craft Brew from the UK and Italian brewery Vento Forte.   I must admit I hadn’t heard of this Italian brewery before, but they started back in 2013 and the name translates as ‘strong wind’! A surfer who had found a love for IPAs during a trip to California decided to start homebrewing and then went commercial.  Guess his beers must go alright if he’s invited to a collab. with UIltje and Siren though. The beer was made for the ‘Freshfest’ beer festival hosted by the UIltje team, where the trio brewed up is a Double Dry-Hopped (DDH) Brut IPA which was then aged in white oak chips.  Hopped with American hops, there is a definite fruit sweetness in behind the firm bitterness.  The ‘Brut’ element refers to the use of a ‘champagne-like’ yeast which eats up virtually all of the sugars.  It leads to a very crisp, dry finish with the pleasant lingering bitterness. (,

Style: IPA (Rice Brut) Country: Netherlands Brewer: Brouwerij het Uiltje (

Nou fruit sweetness kan ik wel herkennen, net zoals de champagne/wijn, maar de crisp/droge afdronk vind ik toch wat zoeter dan droog. Wel is het zo dat het bier wat karaktertrekjes heeft van een mouserende witte wijn. Dus een geslaagd bier, al valt het bij mij niet zo in de smaak. Het wordt denk ik voor mij dit jaar de uitdaging om 'mijn favoriete stijl' te herontdekken.  

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