vrijdag 21 januari 2022


Developmental Dislocation (Dysplasia) of the Hip (DDH) The hip is a "ball-and-socket" joint. In a normal hip, the ball at the upper end of the thighbone (femur) fits firmly into the socket, which is part of the large pelvis bone. In babies and children with developmental dysplasia (dislocation) of the hip (DDH), the hip joint has not formed normally. The ball is loose in the socket and may be easy to dislocate. Although DDH is most often present at birth, it may also develop during a child's first year of life. Recent research shows that babies whose legs are swaddled tightly with the hips and knees straight are at a notably higher risk for developing DDH after birth. As swaddling becomes increasingly popular, it is important for parents to learn how to swaddle their infants safely, and to understand that when done improperly, swaddling may lead to problems like DDH. (https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/developmental-dislocation-dysplasia-of-the-hip-ddh)

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children What is developmental dysplasia of the hip in children?Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a health problem of the hip joint. It’s when the joint hasn’t formed normally, so it doesn’t work as it should. DDH is present at birth. It is more common in girls than boys. In a normal hip joint, the top (head) of the thighbone (femur) fits snugly into the hip socket. In a child with DDH, the hip socket is shallow. As a result, the head of the femur may slip in and out. It may dislocate. This means it moves partly or completely out of the hip socket. (https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=developmental-dysplasia-of-the-hip-ddh-90-P02755)

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is one of the prevalent musculoskeletal conditions in young adults and is a leading cause of hip osteoarthrosis in this age group. The optimum age for surgical intervention when needed is not well established in the literature and the lack of management guidelines and standard practice of DDH leads to different practices worldwide. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28659058/)

Since 1988 DDH has served clients worldwide in support of their contract manufacturing requirements. (http://www.ddhent.com/)

Okee, deze DDH bedoel ik niet. Ik zal eens met Google ipv Duckduck zoeken...

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) omvat het gehele spectrum aan ontwikkelingsstoornissen van de heup. Dat wil zeggen dat zowel de milde heupdysplasie (achterblijvende ontwikkeling van de heup kom en kop) als de congenitale heupluxatie, bijvoorbeeld heup uit de kom, de meest ernstige vorm van DDH, onder deze diagnose vallen. (https://www.lumc.nl/org/orthopedie/1688591/Kinderorthopaedie/1206110145365711/)

DDH komt voor bij 1 op de 1000 levendgeborenen. In Nederland ontwikkelt 1 tot 4% van de zuigelingen DDH in de leeftijd tot 6 maanden DDH (1). Niet-adequate behandeling van DDH leidt op volwassenleeftijd tot pijn, invaliditeit en/of vroege artrose van de heup. Daar staat tegenover dat lichte DDH zich spontaan kan ontwikkelen tot een normaal heupgewricht. (https://www.orthopeden.org/wetenschap/startend-onderzoek/spreidbehandeling-ddh)

Okee dat maakt geen verschil ik zoek dan maar op 'DDH bier'.

Basqueland Brewing Project... Een Double Dry Hopped American Pale Ale vol munt- meloen- en citrushop.... 

Basqueland What The %$#! Is DDH?
Flessen - Basqueland What The %$#! Is DDH?
Een Double Dry Hopped American Pale Ale vol munt- meloen- en citrushop.
Stijlfamilie  Pale ale
Inhoud  33 cL
Alc. % 5.5°
Alc. % 5.5°
Land Spanje
Kleur Blond
Stijl American pale ale
Uiterlijk Troebel goud, witte schuimkop, trage carbonatatie
Aroma Fruitig, kruidig, pikant, munt, hoppen, hars, ui
Smaak Munt-, meloen- en citrushop, biscuit mout

DDH Galaxy
11 april 2019
In Amerika hebben we veel inspiratie opgedaan en daar ook het idee voor een nieuw bier:  Double Dry Hopped Galaxy IPA
Dry hoppen betekend dat we de hop niet meekoken tijdens het brouwen maar het er later in de tank bij doen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat niet het bittere van de hop in het bier komt maar wel het frisse en aromatische. Door hierna niet alle hop eruit te separeren krijg je een prachtig hazy bier dat stijf staat van de frisse hop smaken!!
Deze super frisse IPA heeft een dubbele dosis Galaxy hop in de tank gekregen. Een mooi hazy bier met tropische fruit smaken en een sappig karakter. Proef in dit bier citrus, passievrucht en ananas en vlieg weg in een onbekend universum vol genot. (https://www.vandestreekbier.nl/ddh-galaxy/)

What Is DDH Beer?
A Complete Guide on Double Dry Hopped (DDH) BeerIf you have spent any time recently in a brewery taproom or any number of beer destinations throughout the country, you may have noticed three little letters next to more and more offerings: DDH.
Those three letters stand for “Double Dry Hopped” and have become affixed to styles across the board, but most notable is the domination of DDH IPAs increasingly being poured. These days breweries are building their brands on the uber-hype that comes along with nearly anything they release labeled as Double Dry Hopped. Some breweries have built their business on eager lines of customers extending around the building filled with beer lovers clamoring for a one-off release that received the briefest mention on social media with that attractive term DDH. Sometimes, these fans willingly hand over $20 to $30 for a single four-pack! With all of this demand, and the constant brewery one-upmanship taking place throughout the beer industry, the question arises: is Double Dry Hopped an organic marketing term or a truly new dominant style?
A decade ago, the term DDH was unheard of, and any beer using the specific methods employed in DDH beers was generally just called “Dry Hopped.” Typically, hops are added to the brew cycle at specific times during the boil to extract desired levels of bitterness with the goal to balance the sweetness of the malt. In brewing math, keep adding more malts and more hops until you get to the desired IBU levels to match the style guide you’re using or the preferred tastes you’re planning to cater to. If a brewer wants to go bigger and create a Double or Triple IPA, they double or triple their malt and hops from the base recipe. Dry hopping, on the other hand, is its own technique altogether, but that doesn’t mean sometimes they can’t go hand-in-hand! Think of a Dry Hopped Double IPA such as Pliny the Elder.
On the technical side, hops added to the wort at the end of the boil will lead to fewer alpha acids being converted to iso-alpha acids, and therefore the beer will retain more aromatics lending to the piney, citrusy, herbal or grassy notes that so many IPA lovers gravitate towards. By contrast, dry hopping is the process of adding dried hop pellets to a brew after cashing the wort or during secondary fermentation. By adding the hops after the boil, the volatile oils contained are not extracted and therefore none of the bitterness, but rather only aromatics are passed along to the finished product. This technique has become increasingly popular across nearly all styles including lagers and sours. However, none have become nearly as sought after as the Hazy or Juicy IPA.(https://beerconnoisseur.com/articles/ddh-beer)

WTF is DDH? It Depends on Whom You Ask.... “DDH” is more complicated than it looks. The acronym, which stands for “double dry-hopped,” is increasingly adopted by trend-driven (and trend-setting) brewers putting out hoppy, aromatic IPAs and DIPAs. In fact, many New England IPAs, a particularly sticky category, are sold in 16-ounce cans with the letters “DDH” on them.
Double dry-hopping has not been cumulatively defined, though, so for some, the term raises more questions than answers. Is it just a marketing buzzword? Has the acronym evolved into something greater than the sum of its parts? We asked the brewers on all sides of the conversation to make sense of the phenomenon.... A dry-hopped beer is simple enough to define — hops are added to the beer-in-process post-boil, or on the “cold side,” when the liquid is in its primary or secondary fermentation phase. This allows the hops to impart all their wonderful aromas without leaving behind the bitterness you get when you boil them.... “Doubling” that process can mean one of two things.
“It essentially means dry hopping twice, or [hopping with] twice as much hops,” says Scott Ungermann, brewmaster at Anchor Brewing in San Francisco, the brewery that boasts being the first to regularly employ the dry-hopping method in America, circa the mid-1970s. But, he adds, “There are so many different methods of what people are using now — HopRocket, hopback, our Taco Cat — new methods of dry hopping just keep coming.”
Augie Carton, founder of Carton Brewing in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, believes that the term “double dry-hopped” means something totally different from its acronym. Carton says “DDH” has transcended its literal definition, taking on a meaning — and beer style — all its own.
“DDH seems to exist on a type [of beer], the NEIPA,” Carton says. “What that means is hop haze and protein haze with a very serious amount of late-addition hopping. DDH became shorthand for a very large amount of late-addition hops; I just think it’s silly because the first ‘D’ means ‘double,’ and if you don’t have anything to begin with, you can’t double it. If you don’t have a one, you can’t make it two.”
Carton raises a compelling point. Let’s say a brewery has produced an IPA — we’ll call it a VinePair IPA — that is dry-hopped one time. A “double” version of our VinePair IPA could either entail dry-hopping it an additional time, or using twice as many hops the first time around. Either way, voila: DDH VinePair IPA.
If there isn’t a singularly dry-hopped VinePair IPA, though, who is to say what constitutes a doubly dry-hopped VinePair IPA? In many instances, Carton says, the label “DDH” comes to mean “a lot of hops,” as opposed to a specific amount or process.
It’s “trying to simplify something that isn’t simple,” Carton says. For example, he argues, a dry-hopped lager might use one pound of hops per barrel. A dry-hopped IPA might have three pounds of hops per barrel; and a DDH DIPA (double dry-hopped double IPA) could have six pounds of hops per barrel or more. “[Another brewer] recently told me they did nine pounds of hops per barrel,” Carton says. “That’s a lot of hops.”
In short, there is not a specified amount, and each brewery double dry-hops differently. “It’s really what you want that recipe to be,” Carton says. (https://vinepair.com/articles/ddh-ipa-beer-explainer/)

Dit klinkt logisch, maar ik moet toch ook denken aan de Trappist dubbel en triple. Want tot voor kort was er gen WestMalle Enkel, dus wat was de Dubbel dan dubbel van en de tripel het drievoud van? Zou dat trouwens zo zijn dat de Enkel gebrouwen is met en derde van het recept van de Triple?

At Sixpoint Brewery, based in Brooklyn, chief product officer Eric Bachli says double dry-hopping “is really doubling the quantity of hops per barrel. A double dry-hopped version can mean adding double the hops at the same time you would with a single hopped beer, or some [brewers] split it up, doing a first charge that’s the same [amount of hops] as the base recipe, and adding a second charge later on.”
Bachli gives the example of a beer he recently developed at Sixpoint, DDH Resin. “For DDH Resin, we add a big charge at one point in fermentation,” he says, “and a second load a few days after.”
At Carton Brewing, instead of using the term double dry-hopped or its acronym, Carton prefers simply describing the beer in its name. “I’m making a beer right now other people would call DDH DIPA, [and I’m calling it] Hoppy Lact-Oat Pale Ale,” Carton says. (The beer is brewed using lactose and oats, two key ingredients in many DDH DIPAs.) “All of my beers have always had two dry-hoppings. I don’t find use in that term. If I want to say it’s hoppy, I just write the word ‘hoppy’ on it. Carton is all about conversation, and I think a shorthand term takes that aspect away.”
Anchor Brewing, despite being an early American dry-hopping player, will release its first double dry-hopped beer, Brewers Pale Ale, this year. “Because we’re dropping the hops out of the Taco Cat and reintroducing more hops, we are referring to it as an aromatically complex, double dry-hopped pale ale,” Ungermann says. “It’s the first time we’ve referred to a beer as such,” he adds.... “If you get a DDH beer and it’s not an aromatic hop bomb, then you’ve been lied to,” Carton says. “I would never call BS on JC [Tetreault, co-founder] at Trillium or Sam [Richardson, co-founder] at Other Half. When they say DDH, their beers are that.”
Carton doesn’t see DDH as trickery — “I’m not that cynical,” he says — but he does think it is an inefficient label. “The lack of anything ‘doubled’ [in a beer labeled DDH] isn’t a fallacy, it’s just poor English. It’s marketers getting lazy and using shorthand they know people are excited by.”... “Just stop calling these beers IPA and call them DDH,” Carton says. “What people call the NEIPA is so far removed from what an IPA is. Instead of making DDH a sub-genre of IPA, just call it a DDH. There’s no ‘double’ of anything because nobody has the original coefficient.” Carton believes you simply “can’t double something you haven’t singled. At least, that’s what I think the solution is.”
Mathematics are straightforward. Beer, not so much.
Published: March 6, 2018 (https://vinepair.com/articles/ddh-ipa-beer-explainer/)

Ik heb geen DDH IPA van Basqueland , Vinepair of Vandestreek ik heb een DDH IPA Mono Mosaic van To Øl!

To Øl 
To Øl is a young Danish craft beer brewery founded in 2010. When To Øl was founded, we were sick of hundred years old breweries claiming territory only due to old age – instead we wanted to give beer some youth. At To Øl we do contemporary beers. We brew a wide range of potent, provocative, fresh and floral beers; hoppy, balanced and complex beers both light, dark, strong and simple. We brew the beers we want to drink ourselves and work to do the best beers in the world. We never compromise on taste and balance and keep pushing the boundaries of great beer-crafting. Back in 2005 the founders of To Øl, Tore Gynther and Tobias Emil Jensen, were young guns studying at a direct democracy based high school in Nørrebro, Copenhagen – Det Fri Gymnasium. They pirated the school kitchen facilities during closing hours and began turning it into a brewing lab. Malts were mashed, hop leaves boiled, yeast fermented and bubbled within lab flasks. In short: the hunt for potent quality beers had begun. To Øl released the first commercial beer in 2010 and the To Øl brewery was founded. To Øl entered Ratebeer’s list of Top 100 best breweries in the world in 2012 – and in 2014 To Øl was awarded the world’s 9th best brewery. Many crazy things have happened since that first release, but even high-school sweethearts drift apart, and in the beginning of 2017 Tobias Emil Jensen stepped out of To Øl to work on other projects.
Starting out as a home brewing project back in 2005, To Øl was permanently established in 2010 working as a gypsy brewery lending in on other breweries spare capacity for the following decade. In 2019 we took over a former food factory in the Western part of Zealand, Denmark, where we’re setting up a full-blown specially designed brewery and craft beverage hub. To Øl City is the name of the place. ... The facility is a 150.000 m2 ground with 26.600 m2 buildings on it. With To Øl City we are bringing all of our beer production home to Denmark ending a long and fun era as gypsy brewers. We will still be travelling and brewing abroad, but now we have a big and beautiful place to invite all of our friends and brewers over for collabs, fun and games too. To Øl City is also a craft beverage hub. Amazing craft beverage producers, who were previously limited by space and resources, can make a home in To Øl City and work with us to raise the bar in our industries exponentially higher. It is becoming a collective of the most talented craft beverage producers in Denmark, and we’re already hosting cider producers. kombucha brewers and rum distillers.

Stereo Mono Mosaic [DDH Single Hop India Pale Ale] 
Mosaic - the mother of juicy hops. Packed with both tropical, citrusy, and slight piney notes, this hop truly lives up to its name and provides a mosaic of aromas.
The goal for our Stereo Mono series is to let the hops take the center stage, why the base for this beer is Pale Malts, Wheat Malt, Chit Malt, Flaked Oats and just a hint of Melanoidin to create as clean a canvas for the hop aroma as possible, while still having a slight backbone to balance out the bitterness from the hops and present to you a juicy fresh IPA packed with notes of Peach, Mango, Blueberries, and citrus. (https://toolbeer.dk/products/stereo-mono-mosaic-1)

De kleur is mooi blond met wit schuim. Mondgevoel is dik, niet waterig. De geur is floraal hoppig. De smaak is... weg? Licht bitter. Het is nog gen 08-09-22 maar de hopexplosie die ik had verwacht bleef uit.

IPA's moet je ook vers drinken. Grappig eigenlijk dat IPA's de naam hebben om een bewaarbier te zijn (voor die lange reizen naar India ging er extra hop in zodat het langer goed bleef), maar voor de smaak moet je het juist snel drinken. Het is dus geen bewaarbier. Overigens was IPA voor de zeereis een mythe, gezien https://verlorenbieren.nl/bier-aan-boord-van-de-voc/ en https://zythophile.co.uk/false-ale-quotes/myth-4-george-hodgson-invented-ipa-to-survive-the-long-trip-to-india/  Overigens is DDH singe hop Mosaic nu ook niet zo origineel:

DDH Mosaic IPA From:Community Beer Company Texas, United StatesStyle:IPA - AmericanABV:8.6% (https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/30949/403951/)

Other Half Brewing Co. DDH Double Mosaic Dream... SPECIFICATIONS
Style IPA - Imperial / Double ABV 8.5 % (https://beerizer.com/shop/ales_and_brews/ddh-double-mosaic-dream--179398)

DDH Mosaic Bomb From:Sloop Brewing New York, United StatesStyle:IPA - American
Ranked #846ABV:6% (https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/30081/371977/)

Kees Mosaïc Hop
Brouwerij Kees! (76)
Kees Mosaïc Hop is een donker amberkleurige IPA. Het bier is licht en fris van smaak is. Aroma's van pompelmoes en meloen en mango komen terug in dit bier. ... BrouwerijBrouwerij Kees! BierstijlIPA - India Pale Ale Alcohol5.5% (https://www.bierista.nl/kees-mosaic-hop)

Kees! Mosaic Hop Explosion
Brouwerij Kees! (76)
Kees! Mosaic Hop Explosion is een smaakbom van heb ik jou daar. Deze India Pale Ale wordt uitsluitend gebrouwen met de hopsoort Mosaic.
BrouwerijBrouwerij Kees! BierstijlIPA - India Pale Ale Alcohol5.5% (https://www.bierista.nl/kees-mosaic-hop-explosion)

IPA, 6% STYLE India Pale Ale
Mosaic is een relatief nieuwe hopsoort welke smaken van sinaasappel, snoep en vers tropisch fruit aan het bier geeft. Deze IPA is zo gebrouwen dat alle smaken en aroma’s van de hop volop uit er uit knallen! Niet te bitter en volledige focus op het hoparoma dus – JUICY!
EBC 13
IBU 40

Mosaic is volgens mij wel een lekkere hop voor in een mono IPA. De Stereo Mono Mosaic DDH Single Hop India Pale Ale  van To Øl is helaas wat mat, maar met 44 cl van 6,8% best krachtig. In laatste klets vanuit het blikje komt een enorme bitterheid mee met een grizzelig hopsediment. Zou de bitterheid naar de Bodem zijn gezakt? 

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