donderdag 7 september 2023

Wie Kent Dover? En hun brouwerijen?

Wie kent Kent? Wie kent Dover? 

Kent is een shire-graafschap (non-metropolitan county OF county) in de Engelse regio South East England en telt 1,6 miljoen inwoners. De oppervlakte bedraagt 3545 km2. De hoofdstad is Maidstone. Het landschap is heuvelachtig en door de schoonheid ervan wordt Kent ook wel 'de tuin van Engeland' genoemd. Een groot deel wordt gevormd door de kalkrug de North Downs, die in het oosten uitloopt in de bekende krijtrotsen van Dover. Door de uitbreiding van de agglomeratie Londen is het noordwesten van het graafschap sterk verstedelijkt en het inwonertal toegenomen. In de vroege middeleeuwen was het Koninkrijk Kent een koninkrijk van de Juten, een van de zeven rijken die wel bekendstaan als de heptarchie. De naam is afgeleid van het Brythonische woord "cantus", dat rand of grens betekent. De naam had betrekking op de oostelijkste rand. Julius Caesar noemde het gebied in 51 BC "Cantium", naar het volk der Cantiaci. Het westelijkste deel van het huidige Kent werd in diezelfde tijd bewoond door de Regnenses, een volk dat nog in de ijzertijd leefde. Rond 600 stuurde Gregorius de Grote een groep missionarissen onder leiding van Augustinus van Tarsis. Dezen bekeerden koning Ethelbert en stichtten het bisdom Canterbury. .... Kent ligt van alle Engelse graafschappen het dichtst bij het Europese vasteland en is daarom de aankomstplaats van diverse veerdiensten, met name in het district Dover. Ook de Engelse toegang tot de Kanaaltunnel bevindt zich in Kent, nabij Folkestone. Kent International Airport, de luchthaven van het graafschap bevindt zich in Manston.(

Canterbury (Nederlands, verouderd: Kantelberg), met de officiële titel van city, is een district in het shire-graafschap (non-metropolitan county OF county) Kent in het zuidoosten van Engeland. Het is de zetel van de aartsbisschop van Canterbury, de primaat van de Anglicaanse Kerk. De stad ligt aan de rivier de Stour en heeft ca. 44.000 inwoners. Het is een regionaal centrum met enige industrie (metaalverwerking, lederindustrie, drukkerijen), maar de toeristische functie is het belangrijkst. De aantrekkingskracht van Canterbury ligt in het middeleeuwse karakter van de binnenstad en vooral in de kathedraal. Hier liggen koning Hendrik IV en Eduard (de Zwarte Prins, zoon van koning Eduard III) begraven. Het bekendst is de kathedraal echter vanwege de moord op Thomas Becket in 1170. Door deze gebeurtenis werd Canterbury een pelgrimsoord, dat Geoffrey Chaucer inspireerde tot zijn meesterwerk, de Canterbury Tales. De stad had ook banden met de familie van Thomas More en was de geboorteplaats van toneelschrijver Christopher Marlowe. (

Dover (Frans Douvres, Nederlands voorheen Daveren) is een belangrijke havenplaats en civil parish in Engeland, in het graafschap Kent. De stad ligt aan het Nauw van Calais (of Straat van Dover), zoals het oostelijk deel van Het Kanaal wordt genoemd. Dover had in 2011 zo'n 31.000 inwoners. ... De stad is van oudsher van maritiem belang geweest. Al voor de Romeinen (die de stad Dubris Portus noemden) was Dover een voor de hand liggende invalsplaats, omdat het op slechts 34 kilometer van de Franse kust ligt. Tot 1923 was Dover een marinebasis; daarna werd de haven vooral aangewend voor civiele doeleinden. In de Tweede Wereldoorlog was de stad het doelwit van zware bombardementen. ... Dover is befaamd om de witte krijtrotsen van Dover (de white cliffs of Dover). Beroemd is ook het kasteel (Dover Castle), met de resten van een Romeinse vuurtoren uit de 4e eeuw. Ten noordoosten van Dover is bovenop de krijtrotsen de Obelisk van St. Margaret's at Cliffe gebouwd. (

Folkestone (IPA: [ˈfəʊkˌstən of fohk-stun]) is een aan zee gelegen stad en civil parish in het bestuurlijke gebied Folkestone & Hythe, in het Engelse graafschap Kent. De plaats telt 46.698 inwoners. De beschermheilige van Folkestone is Eanswith, een prinses van het koninkrijk Kent. Het is de centrale stad van "the Folkestone & Hythe Urban Area". Folkestone is het begin- en eindpunt aan Engelse zijde van de Kanaaltunnel. Deze spoortunnel verbindt het Verenigd Koninkrijk met de Franse plaats Calais, en daarmee met het vasteland van Europa. (

Manston is een civil parish in het bestuurlijke gebied Thanet, in het Engelse graafschap Kent. De internationale luchthaven Kent International Airport is er gelegen. (

New Romney is a market town in Kent, England, on the edge of Romney Marsh, an area of flat, rich agricultural land reclaimed from the sea after the harbour began to silt up. New Romney, one of the original Cinque Ports, was once a sea port, with the harbour adjacent to the church, but is now more than a mile from the sea. A mooring ring can still be seen in front of the church. It is the headquarters of the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway. Geography New Romney is not significantly different in age from the nearby village of Old Romney. However New Romney, now about a mile and a half from the seafront, was originally a harbour town at the mouth of the River Rother. The Rother estuary was always difficult to navigate, with many shallow channels and sandbanks. The names of two local settlements, Greatstone and Littlestone, are a reminder of these aids. (

Ramsgate is een kustplaats en civil parish in het bestuurlijke gebied Thanet, in het Engelse graafschap Kent. De plaats telt 40.408 inwoners. ... De belangrijkste economische activiteiten van Ramsgate zijn de visserij en het toerisme. Daarnaast is er een roro haven-terminal ten behoeve van de veerboot-dienst op Oostende in België. ...De jachthaven heeft ongeveer 800 aanleggers per jaar. Ramsgate heeft enkele zandstranden, die in 2008 de Blue Riband Award kregen. Bij de Hoverport is een Vikingschip (Hugin) te bezichtigen en in de omgeving ligt het natuurreservaat Pegwell. Ramsgate was in het verleden de aanleghaven voor verschillende veerboten. Hoverlloyd en later Hoverspeed verzorgden de hovercraftverbinding met Calais. Toen deze veerdienst werd opgedoekt in 1982, bleef de aanleghaven in Pegwell lang verlaten, om pas na enkele decennia te worden afgebroken. Alleen de aanloopstroken van de hovercrafts zijn nog zichtbaar. (

Er zijn brouwerijen:

Zoals te zien is op

Breakwater Brewery & Taproom (

Breakwater Brewery is a brewery in the heart of Dover. We invest in our beer, our team and locale. (

Al werkt de website van ze dan helaas niet...

The Breakwater Brewery ... Lorne Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 2AA ... The Breakwater is both a Brewery and a Taproom where Dover brewed, modern beers are both created and enjoyed. They have blackboard describing the flavour, strength and bitterness of their current and upcoming selection of ales, also available are guest beers and ciders, a small selection of wines and a range of speciality gins. Their some of their own brewed beers are seasonal and some are completely limited edition so each visit could be unique. As a small business, The Breakwater Brewery and Taproom aim to help other local small businesses and farmers through partnerships and collaborations. The Taproom does serve some snacks and they are happy for you to order food to consume on the premises. They also have live music nights usually hosting local acoustic artists. (

De stad heeft een verleden met brouwerijen, zo was ooit de hoogste schoorsteen van Dover, die van een brouwerij:

Messrs. A. Leney and Company, brewers, Dover, have had built at their premises in Castle Street, a new chimney of record height — namely 135 feet. The former chimney was only about 80 feet high, and the smoke from it was rather unpleasant to people in the vicinity; thus this new structure, which overlooks the town, will be welcomed. The shaft has been built on the Custodis patent system of perforated radiated blocks, made in Kent, from gault clay. The dimensions are as follow:—Height, 135 feet; external bottom diameter, 11ft. 4in.; external top diameter, 6ft. 8in.; internal diameter, 5ft. 6in. (from top to bottom). About 65,000 bricks were used in its construction, and it has been built in the record time of 31 working days. The estimated weight of the whole material used is about 250 tons. The last brick was laid on Wednesday, February 21st. Under the top cap a sealed canister has been placed, containing coins of the present year, a copy of last week's “Dover Chronicle,” and other papers giving interesting particulars of all current events. The name “Leney” is very prominent, in red bricks, the letters being 4ft. high. A copper lightning conductor will be erected at the top. The chimney was built by the Alphonse Custodis Chimney Construction Co., Ltd., 119, Victoria Street, London, S.W. ... FOR centuries past Kent has been one of the chief homes of the hop, and, as a somewhat natural sequence, seeing that the water of the county is eminently suited for brewing purposes, it has also become the seat of production for vast quantities of malt liquors of very high class quality. Dover, with its large and ever-increasing population, civil and military, has, of course, its Brewery, a widely-known and extremely popular establishment, doing not only an extensive local trade amongst families and hotels, but having London Stores, and agencies in many parts of the country as well. {As Dover's population grows and the rise of new homes being built, Home Advisor type reviews and services are used for those settling in the area. With those Home Advisor Reviews, people are able to find or renovate the home of their dreams thanks in part to the assistance similar to Home Advisor.} The Phoenix Brewery, of which Messrs. A. Leney & Co., Limited, are the proprietors, was originally founded about the year 1740, the then owner appearing to be a Mr. Clements. .... At the corner of Castle Street are the offices, a handsome three-floored building of Kentish rag-stone, faced with polished granite, and here, after a tour round the brewery, Mr. Frank Leney was kind enough to give us some idea of the extent and scope of the business. It must have grown enormously under the present management, for whereas in 1859 there were but thirty "tied houses," the firm has now quite a hundred, many of which are good class hotels and busy, well-frequented country inns; and in addition to this extensive source of trade the numerous agencies are constantly sending in their quota of orders, so that the clerical and working staff have generally a pretty busy time of it in these directions alone. Then there is the "family" trade, the firm making deliveries periodically around most of the adjacent towns and villages, where "Leney's Ales" have become almost a household word; whilst in Dover itself the amount of the daily deliveries to hotels, private houses, and military canteens forms alone an important part of the day's work. Whilst brewing all the usual qualities and descriptions of ale, beer, and stout, Messrs. Leney & Co. make a speciality of the celebrated Dover Pale Ale (in cask or bottle), and we ourselves can fully endorse all the many disinterested encomiums that have been passed upon this most refreshing and wholesome beverage.  ... From the Dover Express 6 September 1963. Old Brewery May Be Up For Sale. AN area of centrally situated land in Dover - which could very well attract the interest of developers - is likely to become vacant in the not too-far-distant future. The property-owned by Fremlins - is the office in Castle street and the old brewery bounded by Dolphin Lane and Dolphin Passage. This is only a few yards from the Market Square and at the back of Dolphin House flats. At one time the brewery area, then owned by Messrs. A. Leney and Company, covered over five acres, and the cellars had space for 5,000 barrels. The firm amalgamated with Fremlins of Maidstone in the mid-1920's, and brewing ceased at Dover. Fremlins have purchased a former depository in Maxton Road, and have plans for converting it into their new store. ... From the Dover Express 26 June 1964. Brewery sold. Phoenix Brewery has been sold to Craigton Combined Securities Ltd., a development company which will be carrying out a large scale redevelopment scheme in the Market-square and Castle St. areas of Dover. (

Fremlins Ltd, Pale Ale Brewery, Earl Street, Maidstone, Kent. Founded c.1790. Acquired by Ralph Fremlin from the executors of John Heathorn in 1861. Registered as Fremlin Brothers Ltd, a private company, in 1920 and as above in 1928. Acquired by Whitbread & Co. Ltd in 1967 with 714 public houses. The Maidstone brewery was closed in October 1972 but brewing continued at the former Rigden & Co Ltd brewery in Faversham, which Fremlins had acquired in 1948. After closure, used as a depot until 2003 when redeveloped as the Fremlins Centre. (

Kent Brewery Ltd, Birling Place Farm, Stangate Road, Birling, Kent ME19 5JN Established by Toby Simmonds and Paul Herbert. Originally brewing at Larkins Brewery Ltd, a 10-barrel plant was established at Birling in October 2010. (

Stag Brewery Stag Brewery, Little Engeham Farm, Woodchurch, Kent. Brewing commenced 2016. (

Spencer’s Brewery, Unit 5, Ashford Business Centre, Brunswick Road, Ashford, Kent. Brewing commenced November 2012. In June 2014 it was reported that the Spencers had sold their brewery to new owners, G2 Brewing. ( G2 Brewing, Unit 5, Ashford Works, Ashford, Kent. Oliver Hawkins and Sam Straker-Nesbit took over Spencer’s Brewery eight barrel plant in late 2014. This was refitted and brewing commenced in March 2015. However, brewing ceased in late 2018. (

The Ales of Kent Ltd, Unit 30, Lordswood Industrial Estate, Revenge Road, Chatham, Kent. Brewing commenced 1999 ceased 2000 when moved to Maidstone. The Ales of Kent Ltd, The Old Stables, Boxley Grange, Grange Farm, Boxley, Maidstone, Kent. Brewing commenced 2001 after move from Chatham. Ceased 2002. Plant was used by Burrington Brewery and an attempt to restart in 2003 was made from the Four Alls Brewery in Ovington, County Durham. The Ales of Kent Brewery Ltd, Four Alls Hotel, Ovington, Richmond, North Yorkshire. Brewing commenced 2003 following move from Kent. Renamed Four Alls Brewery in 2004. ( Four Alls Brewery, Four Alls Hotel, Ovington, Durham. Brewing commenced 2003 following move from Kent when known as the Ales of Kent Ltd. Renamed as above in 2004. Closed Summer 2015. (

Maidstone Brewing Co, Unit 11 Old Brewery, Rocky Hill, London Road, Maidstone, Kent. Established in 2013. For about a year they produced only experimental beers which were primarily available at David’s pub The Flower Pot. Initially a half barrel plant was used, located at the site of the long gone Style & Winch Ltd Brewery. Later a four barrel plant was installed. Brewing ceased June 2018. ( 

Four Candles Brewery, Four Candles, 1 Sowell Street, St Peters, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2AT Brewing commenced late in 2014 at this Broadstairs micropub that used to be a hardware store, once visited by Ronnie Barker, hence the name. A 2½ barrel plant is used. Also brews for NauticAles of Ramsgate. (

Ramsgate Brewery Ltd, Unit 1 Hornet Close, Pysons Road Industrial Estate, Broadstairs, Kent. Established in 2002 as the Ramsgate Royal & Harbour Brewhouse, 98 Harbour Parade, Ramsgate. Moved to Broadstairs in 2006. Also trades as Gadd’s Brewery. (

Het valt me op dat er veel brouwerijen in de 20 jaar rond 2000 zijn begonnen en na enkele jaren weer sloten...

Romney Marsh Brewing Co, Unit 7 Jacks Park, Cinque Ports Road, New Romney, Kent. Established domestically in 2014 in Lydd they moved here 2015 to satisfy commercial demands. (

Folkestone Brewery, Chart Road, Folkestone, Kent. Brewing commenced 2016, but may have ceased. (

We're not another microbrewery. No, we're much smaller than that. Currently The Folkestone Brewery only produces five 30 litre kegs at a time, so for now let's call it a 'picobrewery'. Our beer is about simplicity. So simple that for starters we will only have one beer. Our Pale Ale, an American style pale ale which uses two malts and two types of hops. We don't use any fining agents in our beer which means it's naturally hazy and can be enjoyed by vegans and vegetarians alike. Paperwork permitting, we hope to be serving our Pale Ale in some of Folkestone's excellent bars and restaurants by Spring 2016. ... This brewery is no longer in business. (

Folkestone Brewery Brewing 2016+ Folkestone I have just added this page from a list supplied by Peter Moynihan who is researching the breweries of Kent. A self-professed “picobrewery” with a brew length of only 150ltrs. Established in 2015 by Jonathan Wright with the aim of being in production by Spring 2016. One beer only “Our Pale Ale”, 5%abv, Marris Otter and Vienna malts, Galena, Chinook and Cascade hops. As time allows this page will be updated with further information. (

Romney Marsh Brewery Ltd launched in May 2015 and the team consists of husband and wife Matt Calais and Cathy Koester and Matt’s dad Brian Calais. Brewer Matt worked in television for 16 years and was the former executive producer of the hit Channel 4 series Come Dine with Me. American-born Cathy spent the previous two decades working in Parliament in the UK and for the British music industry.  Having spent too much a lot of their free time enjoying the very small batch ales Matt was producing at home, the couple decided to take the plunge and scale up their hobby into a full-time family business. (

En die brouwerijen hebben bier, zoals:

Romney Best Bitter - 4.0% ABV (9 gallon cask) An all-English Best Bitter.  Chestnut in colour.  A rich blend of biscuit, nutty and chocolate malt flavours with fruit hop notes.  English hops only: Bramling Cross & Jester. (

Romney Marsh IPA – 4.5% ABV – available in cases of 12x500ml bottles A punchy IPA with Simcoe, Azacca, Citra and Mosaic hops + added orange peel.  Incredibly moreish and jam-packed with flavour.  A super-sized version of our Session IPA (which it has now replaced). (

Die Best Bitter heb ik gedronken. Het was een Britse ale, die mij goed beviel. Het had een milde licht bittere smaak. 

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