maandag 30 januari 2023

Citra vs Chasmere

Het Moortgat heeft weer een leuke vergelijking: Duvel met Citra en Duvel met Cashmere.

Duvel is een Belgisch blond speciaalbier van Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat uit Puurs-Sint-Amands. Het heeft een hoge gisting en wordt nog eens hergist op fles. Het alcoholpercentage bedraagt 8,5%. Duvel wordt gedronken uit een tulpvormig glas, waar onderin een gravering van een D in het glas gekrast is om ervoor te zorgen dat het bier parelt (voorheen was er enkel een kras onderaan in plaats van een gravering). De directe voorloper van Duvel was Victory Ale, een donkere Scotch, die brouwerij Moortgat uitbracht na de afloop van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hiervoor gebruikte men de gisten van het Schotse bier McEwan's Scotch Ale, dat in die tijd met hergisting op fles werd uitgevoerd.[1] De naam van Victory Ale veranderde omstreeks 1923 in Duvel. Naar verluidt was deze naam afkomstig van een proeverij, waarbij een van de deelnemers, doelend op de sterkte van het bier, spontaan uitroept dat het "een echte duvel" was. Door deze naamsverandering werd Duvel de "goddeloze" tegenhanger van de abdijbieren, die in dezelfde periode opkwamen. De gebruikte gist werd door bierprofessor Jean De Clerck aan een analyse onderworpen. Het bleek dat er 10 à 20 verschillende giststammen in aanwezig waren. Door zorgvuldige selectie zijn hiervan enkel de giststammen behouden die voor de optimale smakencombinatie zorgde.[1] Vanaf 1967 werd er geëxperimenteerd, samen met professor De Clerck, met een goudblonde versie. Deze versie werd in 1970 op de markt gebracht en verving het tot dan toe donkere bier. Het succes van het bier inspireerde andere brouwers vanaf de jaren 1980 om hun eigen zware blonde bieren op de markt te brengen, waarbij de namen soms overduidelijk verwezen naar Duvel: Lucifer (1983), Sloeber (1983), Judas (1985), Satan Gold (1994). Bierkenner Michael Jackson noemde de zo ontstane bierstijl golden ales. Derek Walsh noemt ze sterke blonde. Het bier werd zo belangrijk voor Brouwerij Moortgat dat zij, toen ze in 1999 op de beurs werd geïntroduceerd, de naam Duvel Moortgat aannam. (

Duvel wordt met niet bijzonder veel meer gerst gebrouwen dan een gewone pils, maar voor de hoofdgisting wordt er nog glucose toegevoegd, die volledig wordt omgezet tot alcohol. Daardoor behoudt het bier de helderheid van een pils maar verkrijgt het een aanzienlijk hoger alcoholgehalte. Het wort wordt in afzonderlijke gistingskuipen door twee verschillende giststammen gefermenteerd. De twee zo ontstane basisbieren worden vervolgens in een bepaalde verhouding vermengd. Dit bier wordt gefilterd. Bij de botteling wordt een van de twee giststammen en een dosis suiker toegevoegd, voor de hergisting op fles.[1]... ot maart 2021 werd er ook een variant van dit bier gebrouwen: de zogenaamde "Groene Duvel" of Duvel Green. Dit was gewoon het bier dat werd afgevuld zonder hergisting in de fles. Het alcoholpercentage was dan ook lager: 7%. Deze variant werd verkocht in flesjes van 25 centiliter. Het bekende rode Duvel-logo was hier in het groen aangebracht... In 2007 is er voor het eerst Duvel Tripel Hop gebrouwen. In eerste instantie was dit eenmalig, maar in 2010 bracht de brouwerij het bier nog eens op de markt na een Facebookactie van de "Lambiekstoempers".[2] Duvel Tripel Hop werd op donderdag 30 september 2010 terug voorgesteld in het duvel depot te Breendonk. Het bier heeft een alcoholpercentage van 9,5%. Vanaf 2012 werd beslist om van dit bier jaarlijks een variant te brouwen, elk jaar met een andere extra hopvariëteit. In 2012 koos men voor de Amerikaanse hopvariëteit Citra, geteeld in de Yakima Vallei, Washington. In tegenstelling tot de vorige brouwsels werd nu ook gekozen voor 33cl-flessen.[3]. In 2016 werden de zes Duvel Tripel Hops uitgegeven in het tijdelijke "Duvel Tripel Hop-sixpack". Vervolgens kan de consument stemmen op de drie beste varianten. Het bier dat verkozen werd tot de lekkerste Duvel Tripel Hop-smaak ooit (met Citra) wordt vanaf 2017 permanent gebrouwen. In 2019 komt een nieuwe Duvel Tripel Hop op de markt met de Amerikaanse hopvariëteit Cashmere.[4] Vanaf maart 2020 wordt ook deze variant permanent op de markt gebracht.[5] (

Op staan de verschillende tripel hop-versies:

2007 Amarillo

2010 Amarillo

2012 Citra

2013 Sorachi Ace

2014 Mosaic

2015 Equinox

2016 HBC-291

HBC 291 will be marketed and sold as Loral™. Loral™ joins Citra® and Mosaic® as part of the HBC’s hop portfolio. (

Duvel Tripel Hop Citra Bij deze Duvel Tripel Hop gebruiken we aromahop Citra als derde hopsoort. Deze expressieve hopsoort wordt geteeld in de Yakima Valley en is heerlijk aromatisch en verfrissend bitter met toetsen van agrum. ... In 2007 gingen onze Duvel brouwers voor het eerst met een derde hopsoort aan de slag om Duvel een verrassende toets en extra bitterheid te schenken. Het resultaat was een unieke Duvel Tripel Hop die één keer per jaar het gamma van Duvel aanvulde. Zes Duvel Tripel Hop edities later, lanceerden we in april 2016 een zoektocht naar dé ultieme Duvel Tripel Hop en luisterden daarvoor in eerste instantie naar onze Duvel fans. Ruim 5.000 deelnemers onderwierpen zich vrijwillig aan de blind tasting en brachten hun stem uit. De voorkeur ging overduidelijk uit naar Citra. De tweede Duvel Tripel Hop die ooit gemaakt werd, krijgt hierdoor een permanente plek in ons gamma. De Duvel Tripel Hop met Citra rijfde bij de lancering in 2012 zowel een gouden medaille op de Brussels Beer Challenge binnen, als de consumententrofee op het Zythos Bierfestival. Voor Duvel Tripel Hop voegen onze brouwers niet gewoon een derde hop toe, maar ze passen de dry-hopping techniek toe. Dat houdt in dat er naast de standaard hop tijdens het kookproces extra hopbellen toegevoegd worden in een latere fase van het brouwproces (tijdens de lagering). Dit maakt dat de hoparoma’s intenser en verfijnder aanwezig zijn in het finale bier. Bij Duvel Tripel Hop gebruiken we aromahop Citra als derde hopsoort. Deze expressieve hopsoort wordt geteeld in de Yakima Valley en is heerlijk aromatisch en verfrissend bitter met toetsen van agrum.(

HOP Saaz-Saaz, Styrian Golding & Citra DRY-HOPPING Citra (Yakima Valley, Washington, USA) SMAAK Bitter met toetsen van agrum ALCOHOLPERCENTAGE 9.5% VERPAKKING 33cl EBU 40 HOUDBAARHEID 18 maanden CALORIEËN 68 kcal / 100 ml (

Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere Ontdek deze nieuwe Belgian IPA... Sinds 2017 is Duvel Tripel Hop Citra permanent te proeven. Maar dat houdt de Duvel brouwers niet tegen om nu, drie jaar later, een nieuwe Tripel Hop te brouwen. Vorig jaar werd voor de eerste keer Duvel Tripel Hop met de unieke hopsoort Cashmere gebrouwen en dat werd goed gesmaakt. Het gelimiteerde speciaalbier vloog de deur uit en veel bierliefhebbers bleven dorstig achter. De brouwers konden de vraag om het bier opnieuw te brouwen niet weerstaan en ze besloten om de gelimiteerde hop opnieuw te gebruiken in 2020. Dit bier komt, naast Duvel Tripel Hop Citra, permanent op de Belgische markt. Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere is verkrijgbaar bij de meeste supermarkten en de drankenhandel in uw buurt.... De Duvelbrouwers zijn altijd op zoek naar innoverende bieren en smaken. De passie voor brouwen en de ambitie om nieuwe smaken te creëren zorgde er al voor dat je het afgelopen najaar kon genieten van Duvel Barrel Aged, 9 maanden gerijpt en Duvel Distilled, 10 jaar gerijpt. Sinds enkele jaren is ook Duvel Tripel Hop Citra een vaste referentie, naast de wereldbekende ‘klassieke’ Duvel. Nu de lente in aantocht is, is de tijd rijp voor nog een beetje meer Duvel Tripel Hop. Na de vele positieve reacties van Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere vorig jaar, besloot de brouwerij om in 2020 deze exclusieve hopsoort opnieuw te gebruiken en permanent aan te bieden aan de Duvel lover. ‘Cashmere’ is het gevolg van het kruisen van een vrouwelijke ‘Cascade’ hopplant met een mannelijke ‘Northern Brewer’ hopplant. Biersommeliers bestempelen deze hopsoort al langer als de ‘rising star’ en het is een zeer gegeerde nieuwkomer in de bierwereld. Vanaf maart 2020 kan de bierlover dus opnieuw genieten van Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere. Het typische Duvel smaakpalet wordt verrijkt met toetsen van citrus, perzik, meloen en kokosnoot. Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere (9,5% ALC) is beschikbaar vanaf maart bij de Colruyt groep en bij de drankenhandel in uw buurt... Voor het brouwen van Duvel Tripel Hop voegen de brouwers niet gewoon een derde hop toe, maar ze passen de dry-hopping techniek toe. Deze brouwtechniek houdt in dat er naast de hop tijdens het kookproces ook nog extra hop toegevoegd wordt in een latere fase van het brouwproces (tijdens de lagering). Dit maakt dat de hoparoma’s intenser aanwezig zijn in het finale bier. Bij Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere levert dry hopping en het toevoegen van de Cashmere een tropische twist van smaken op die liefhebbers van speciaalbieren en dan met name van Belgische IPA bieren zullen doen watertanden. Dankzij de toevoeging van deze hopsoort aan de klassieke Duvel wordt het smaakpallet verrijkt met intense tropische en florale toetsen van citrus, perzik, meloen en kokosnoot. Het ideale Belgische speciaalbier om van te genieten bij de lentezon.... Bij deze Duvel Tripel Hop gebruiken we aromahop Cashmere als derde hopsoort. Deze hop wordt geteeld in de Yakima Valley in Washington en verrijkt het smaakpalet van Duvel met frisse toetsen van kokosnoot, citrus, perzik en meloen. HOP Saaz-Saaz, Styrian Golding & Cashmere (dry-hopping) MOUT Bleke gerstemout VEGAN Vegan bier STIJL Sterk blond speciaalbier met intense hopping. Hergisting op fles. UITZICHT Lichtblond met een romige witte schuimkraag en kleine belletjes AROMA intense tropische en florale toetsen vormen een heerlijke combinatie met de typische levendige aroma’s van Duvel. Toetsen van kokosnoot, citrus, perzik, meloen en citroengras. SMAAK Mooi gebalanceerde bitterheid met tropische impressies zorgen voor een volle en intense smaakbeleving. Dankzij het hoge CO2 gehalte heeft het bier in de mond een zaligmakende rondheid die eindigt in een lange, droge afdronk. ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE 9.5% VERPAKKING Fles 33cl EBU 40 HOUDBAARHEID 18 maanden SCHENKEN BIJ 5°C CALORIEËN 70 kcal / 100 ml (

Citra is een hopvariëteit, gebruikt voor het brouwen van bier. Deze hopvariëteit is een “aromahop”, bij het bierbrouwen voornamelijk gebruikt voor zijn aromatische eigenschappen. Oorspronkelijk uit de Verenigde Staten, ontwikkeld door de Hop Breeding Company (een joint venture tussen John I. Haas Inc. en de Select Botanicals Group, LLC). (

Citra® is the current superstar of the hop world. Citra® is the most sought after hop variety because it offers an intense citrusy flavor and aroma that revolutionized IPAs. It pairs well with other varieties like Mosaic®, Galaxy®, El Dorado®, or BRU-1™ or is even strong enough to carry a beer on its own. These Citra® Hop Pellets were hand-selected with our friends from John I. Haas from the best lots and are an exceptional lot of an exceptional variety. Citra® hops are noted for their higher Geraniol content, which is biotransformed by yeast into Citronellol a highly-sought-after aroma compound in fruit-forward IPAs. (

Gene Probasco, who led the hop breeding program at John I. Haas for 39 years originally created the plant that would eventually become Citra back in 1990. Gene crossed two unnamed varieties and formed what was known as X-114 or HBC 394 for years. While the two hop varieties directly used to create it were unknown, their parentage included American Tettnanger, Brewer’s Gold, Hallertau Mittelfrüh, East Kent Goldings and an unknown variety, most likely an American wild hop.... A single plant was selected by hop farmer Jason Perrault in 1992 and then expanded to a test plot of four plants in 1993. This plot was located in Washington state. The evaluation went so well that by 2003 it was expanded to 21 plants. It would be more than four additional years before the hop would be ready for commercial tests. Some hops don’t take more than a decade to evaluate. In fact, some high-alpha varieties can be commercialized in half that time, but one as complex as Citra took a bit longer. Aroma hops typically force breeders to take their time in perfecting – and stabilizing – it’s… well… aromas. This new hop had such a unique mix of citrus and tropical fruit aromas that it took an especially long time to get it dialed in right.... After over a decade of analysis, testing and tasting, HBC 394 was ready for prime time. In 2007, three big breweries invested in the hop and got exclusive rights to the use of it. The funding came from the Widmer Brothers, Sierra Nevada, and Deschutes. The hop instantly proved it had staying power. The Widmer Brothers won a gold medal in the 2008 World Beer Cup with the hop and instantly signed a 5-year purchase agreement to continue their supply. Sierra Nevada created the Torpedo IPA and Hoptimum Imperial IPA with the hop, which instantly became favorites. Deschutes created their still-popular Fresh Squeezed IPA with it. This hop was quickly becoming a go-to hop for brewers. In 2008, HBC 394 was finally given a proper name by Perrault: Citra. It was first tracked by the USDA with 98 acres in 2009, but thirty years later Citra is now the largest hop being grown in the United States by acreage. In 2019 Citra was being grown on 9,035 acres, which amounted to 15.4% of all US hop acreage. Citra overtook Cascade as the most grown hop in 2018 and has yet to relinquish that title. However, acreage shouldn’t be confused with total harvest production. Citra’s production still sits comfortably behind the combination that is CTZ by just under 5 million pounds. Regardless of that statistic, this hop has quite a ride over the last three decades. It has redefined what could be expected out of a hop. It helped push IPAs to the forefront of craft brewing popularity with its extreme citrus flavors. While other hops have lately gotten more hype – like Galaxy and Nelson Sauvin – this variety has shown that it isn’t going anywhere. (

Cashmere is een hopvariëteit, gebruikt voor het brouwen van bier. Deze hopvariëteit is een "dubbeldoelhop", bij het bierbrouwen gebruikt zowel voor zijn aromatische als zijn bittereigenschappen. Het is een kruising tussen de hopvariëteiten Cascade en Northern Brewer. Deze variëteit werd ontwikkeld in de Washington State University en in 2013 op de markt gebracht. (

Cashmere hops were developed by Washington State University and released in 2013, Cashmere is the result of a marriage of Cascade and Northern Brewer. Fortuitously, it features alpha acids higher than that of Cascade. A good dual-purpose hop, Cashmere showcases flavors lemon, lime and melon, exhibits a smooth bitterness and is mildly aromatic with a subtle herbal bouquet. Aroma: Smooth bitterness, herbal aroma, flavors of lemon, lime and melon (

Cashmere is a cross between Cascade and Northern Brewer. It was released in 2013 by Washington State University. US hops begin to be harvested in mid-to-late August for most aroma varieties. ... Cashmere is a dual-purpose hop that can be used in all hop additions throughout the brewing process. Cashmere has a complex and intensely fruity aroma, with strong overtones of lemon, lime, peach, and melon. Secondary notes of coconut, lemongrass, candy, and herbs can show through in whirlpool or dry hop additions (

Cashmere was developed at Washington State University’s public hop growing program and released in 2013. It was released in conjunction with other hops developed by the program, including Tahoma and Yakima Gold. While it’s relatively new in the hop world, Cashmere is a popular option because it’s one of the few new hops that can be grown at home. Most hops like it are protected by a patent and unavailable to home growers. Cashmere is a female plant that’s the product of Cascade and Northern Brewer. (

A cross between Cascade and Northern Brewer hops, Cashmere hops are intensely flavorful with a smooth bitterness. Brimming with tropical melon, pineapple, peach, coconut, and lemon-lime soda flavors, Cashmere is highly adaptable as a dual-purpose bittering and aroma hop. In many ways, Cashmere is a bigger, bolder Cascade. It's got many of the same flavors, but they're more intense and complex. Cashmere single-handedly transforms a simple saison or sour into quite the interesting beer. And in an IPA or pale ale, its exotic, fruit-forward flavors truly shine. ORIGIN Another west-coaster, Cashmere was released by the University of Washington in 2013 as a daughter of Cascade and Northern Brewer. Aptly named, Cashmere adds a smooth bitterness when added early in the brewing process. CHARACTERISTICS More bitter than Cascade, Cashmere gets its elevated bitterness from Northern Brewer side of its lineage. Due to its decent oil content, Cashmere makes a great dual-purpose hop, which is why you’ll find it in many types of beers from IPAs and pale ales to sours and saisons.  Used for its citrusy aroma and tropical notes, you’ll find Cashmere in more modern hoppy brew styles. It performs really well in super-hazy IPAs where you can really taste its complex fruit characteristics. VITAL STATS Typical Use: Dual-purpose Alpha Acid: 7-10% Country: USA Beer Styles: IPAs, Pale Ales, Sours, Fruity Ales Flavors: Coconut, Lime Peel, Herbal, Lemongrass, Pineapple, Melon Similar Hops: Cascade, Northern Brewer  (

... after being invited to take part in a hop tasting seminar featuring Cashmere, Triple Pearl, and Tahoma, Beer Editor for DRAFT Magazine, Chris Staten, had this to say about Cashmere: “This was the most unusual hop, and definitely the crowd favorite. Tropical coconut, peach and tangerine filled out the aroma, while a similar flavor profile paired coconut, melon, tangerine and lemongrass.” As to its lineage, Cashmere is the daughter of a female Cascade and Northern Brewer male. Though, it may sometimes seem the propagation of new hop varieties for public use is a thing of the past. The release of this hop variety in 2013, as well as many others like it, all help shine a little hope for both the backyard gardener and small scale commercial farmers. ... Cashmere is described as having delicate yet strong aromas of melon, coconut, citrus notes, such as sweet lemon, lime, lemon peel, or an edge of grapefruit. You may even notice some tropical whispers of pineapple. It may contain woody, spicy notes akin to coriander, especially when boiled. Bitterness will remain smooth and clean.(

Maar wacht er is meer:

Citra is a free and open-source emulator of the handheld Nintendo 3DS for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. Citra's name is derived from CTR, which is the model name of the original 3DS.[4] Citra can run many homebrew games and commercial games.[9] Citra was first made available in 2014. The core team behind it went on to develop Nintendo Switch emulator yuzu in 2018.[10] (

Cashmere wool, usually simply known as cashmere, is a fiber obtained from cashmere goats, pashmina goats, and some other breeds of goat. It has been used to make yarn, textiles and clothing for hundreds of years. Cashmere is closely associated with the Kashmir shawl, the word "cashmere" deriving from an anglicisation of Kashmir, when the Kashmir shawl reached Europe in the 19th century. Both the soft undercoat and the guard hairs may be used; the softer hair is reserved for textiles, while the coarse guard hair is used for brushes and other non-apparel purposes. (

Cashmere is a decadent material that is soft, durable, and warm. This wool is collected and created from rare goats that live at high elevations. Due to the rarity of the goat, and the labor-intensive weaving process, cashmere is largely considered a luxury wool use for sweaters, shawls, or blanekts. (

Kasjmier of kasjmir is een type wol afkomstig van de Kasjmirgeit. De wol is genoemd naar het gebied Kasjmir in India, Pakistan en China. Uit dit gebied komen de oorspronkelijke geitenrassen. De Kasjmirwol is een fijne en zeer zachte, soepele vezel, 19 tot minder dan 12 µm. Ze wordt traditioneel gewonnen door de ondervacht van de geit te kammen, maar in de moderne bedrijven worden de geiten geschoren. De hoogste kwaliteit Kasjmier is afkomstig van de nek en kin van de geit. De geiten hebben de kleuren wit, grijs, bruin en zwart. De gewenste fijne vezels zitten alleen in de ondervacht. De stuggere vezels van de bovenvacht moeten verwijderd worden. Dit gebeurt machinaal. Per geit is de opbrengst ongeveer 150 gram per keer. Kasjmir is een dure natuurvezel en wordt daarom vaak met merino of andere wol gemengd. De prijs is er vooral van afhankelijk hoe fijn de wol is. Verder spelen de vezellengte, de mate van kroezing en de kleur een rol. Kasjmir kan net zoals schapenwol worden verwerkt en geverfd. Als gevolg van de fijne vezels hebben artikelen van Kasjmirwol zeer goede warmte-isolerende eigenschappen bij een laag gewicht. (

Cashmere Song is a prominent high end luxury label cross Asian. The brand is famous for creating a warm, elegant lifestyle experience for consumers. The brand consistently exudes simplicity, warmth and delicate pursuit of artistic style, like a warm cozy hug - warm greetings to the world is the brand signature. Song Hong, the CEO & design director of Cashmere Song, graduated from Inner Mongolia Design School in 1992, the Hong Kong Design School in 2003, and is a member of the Hong Kong Designer Association. Cashmere Song is based on the simplicity of fine cashmere, designing clothing that wears like a second skin, using only the finest cashmere mixed with fur and natural color cable stitching using premium weaving techniques. (

Ik ken het van dat nummer van Led Zeppelin:

"Kashmir" is a song by the English rock band Led Zeppelin. Included on their sixth album Physical Graffiti (1975), it was written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant with contributions from John Bonham over a period of three years with lyrics dating to 1973. The song became a concert staple, performed by the band at almost every concert after its release. It has been described as one of Led Zeppelin's two most overtly progressive epics (the other being "Stairway to Heaven").[1] ... The song combines different rhythmic meters: the guitar riff is in triple meter, while the vocal is in quadruple meter.[6] Plant felt that the drumming was an important component of the song and that Bonham did not overplay his part.[7] Page recorded a demo version with drummer Bonham late in 1973, when John Paul Jones was late for the recording sessions. Plant later added lyrics and a middle section; in early 1974, Jones added orchestration.[7][5] Page and Plant had previously travelled to Mumbai in 1972; they worked there with various Indian musicians, gaining production ideas during the re-recordings of "Four Sticks" and "Friends".[citation needed] Session players were brought in for the string and horn sections for "Kashmir"[5] and Jones added a Mellotron.[8] The lyrics were written by Plant in 1973 immediately after Led Zeppelin's 1973 US tour.[5] None of the group members had visited Kashmir.[9] Instead, Plant was inspired during a drive through a desolate desert area of southern Morocco.[7][5]... All four members of Led Zeppelin have agreed that "Kashmir" is one of their best musical achievements.[8] John Paul Jones suggested that it showcases all of the elements that made up the Led Zeppelin sound.[7] Led Zeppelin archivist Dave Lewis comments: Unquestionably the most startling and impressive track on Physical Graffiti, and arguably the most progressive and original track that Led Zeppelin ever recorded. 'Kashmir' went a long way towards establishing their credibility with otherwise skeptical rock critics. Many would regard this track as the finest example of the sheer majesty of Zeppelin's special chemistry.[5] ... The 1988 Schoolly D song "Signifying Rapper", which samples "Kashmir", was the target of lawsuits following its use in the 1992 film Bad Lieutenant.[34] In 1994, Page and Plant successfully sued Home Box Office to have the song removed from televised showings of the film[35] and Live Home Video and distributor Aries Film Releasing were ordered to destroy any unsold copies of Bad Lieutenant as part of a copyright infringement ruling.[36]( 

Led Zeppelin was an English rock band whose career spanned twelve years from 1968 to 1980. They are considered one of the most successful, innovative, and influential rock groups in history. During the band's tenure and in the years since they disbanded, many artists have recorded and released cover versions of their songs. These include complete tribute albums, live versions, as well as versions on studio albums. Led Zeppelin has also garnered tribute acts, such as Dread Zeppelin, who performs their songs in a reggae style as sung by an obese Elvis impersonator, and the all-female Zepparella. (

Op staat een hele lijst van covers van ze. 

Come with Me (Puff Daddy song) ... "Come with Me" is a song recorded by the American rapper Puff Daddy, featuring English guitarist Jimmy Page, from the soundtrack to the 1998 film, Godzilla. The song recreates the 1975 Led Zeppelin song "Kashmir". Jimmy Page and producer Tom Morello also supplied live guitar parts (Morello also played bass on the song). The song also features heavy orchestral elements. Released as a single on June 9, 1998, "Come with Me" reached number one in Iceland, number two in the United Kingdom, number three in New Zealand, and number four in the United States, and it became a top-five hit in several European countries. A music video, directed by Howard Greenhalgh featuring both Puff Daddy and Jimmy Page, was made for the song. (

Dat nummer lijkt wel wat op Signifying Rapper by Schoolly D (1988). Dat dus die sample al gebruikt van Led Zeppelin, maar bij Led Zeppelin  is ook niet alles origineel blijkbaar:

"Moby Dick" is an instrumental drum solo by English rock band Led Zeppelin, featured on the band's 1969 album Led Zeppelin II. Eponymously named after the 1851 novel of the same name by Herman Melville, it was also known by the alternate titles "Pat's Delight" (early 1968–1969 version with completely different guitar riff) and "Over the Top" (with "Out on the Tiles" intro section and original closing reprise) during various points of the band's career. The track often is regarded as one of the greatest drum solos of all time.[4][5][6] ... The guitar riff can be traced back to the BBC unused session track "The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair", which was recorded in the summer of 1969.[7] The riff is also similar to that of Bobby Parker's 1961 hit single, "Watch Your Step", although the progression is in a different key and tempo.[8] (

"Stairway to Heaven" is a song by English rock band Led Zeppelin, released in late 1971. It was composed by the band's guitarist Jimmy Page and lead singer Robert Plant for their untitled fourth studio album (often titled Led Zeppelin IV). The song is widely regarded as one of the greatest rock songs of all time.[4][5][6][7][8]... "Stairway to Heaven" is described as progressive rock,[17][18] folk rock,[19] and hard rock.[19] The song consists of three distinct sections, beginning with a quiet introduction on a finger-picked, six-string acoustic guitar and four recorders[20] (ending at 2:15) and gradually moving into a slow electric middle section (2:16–5:33), then a long guitar solo (5:34–6:44), before the faster hard rock final section (6:45–7:45), ending with a short vocals-only epilogue. Plant sings the opening, middle, and epilogue sections in his mid-vocal range; he sings the hard rock section in his higher range, which borders on falsetto.... Page's opening acoustic guitar arpeggios bear a resemblance to the 1968 instrumental "Taurus" by the Los Angeles-based rock band Spirit, written by Spirit guitarist Randy California.[15][42] In the liner notes to the 1996 reissue of Spirit's self-titled debut album, California wrote: "People always ask me why 'Stairway to Heaven' sounds exactly like 'Taurus', which was released two years earlier. I know Led Zeppelin also played 'Fresh Garbage' in their live set. They opened up for us on their first American tour."[43][44] In May 2014, Spirit bassist Mark Andes and a trust acting on behalf of California filed a copyright infringement suit against Led Zeppelin and injunction against the "release of the album containing the song" in an attempt to obtain a writing credit for California, who died in 1997.[45] A lack of resources was cited as one of the reasons that Spirit did not file the suit earlier; according to a friend of California's mother, "Nobody had any money, and they thought the statute of limitations was done ... It will be nice if Randy got the credit." If the Spirit lawsuit had been successful, past earnings due to the song—estimated at more than US$550 million—would not have been part of the settlement, but the publisher and composers may have been entitled to a share of future profits.[46][47] On 11 April 2016, Los Angeles district judge Gary Klausner ruled that there were enough similarities between the song and the instrumental for a jury to decide the claim, and a trial was scheduled for 10 May. The copyright infringement action was brought by Michael Skidmore, a trustee for the late guitarist, whose legal name was Randy Wolfe.[48] On 23 June, the jury ruled that the similarities between the songs did not amount to copyright infringement.[49] In July, Skidmore's attorney filed a notice of appeal against the court's decision.[50][51][52] In March 2017, the verdict was appealed, with a main argument being that the jury should have been able to hear a recorded version of "Taurus".[53][54] On 28 September 2018, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit allowed the appeal, vacating in part and remanding to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California for a new trial on several evidentiary and procedural issues.[55] On 10 June 2019, the Ninth Circuit granted rehearing en banc, meaning the case would be reheard by a larger panel of eleven judges.[56][57] A Bloomberg Businessweek article shortly after that decision noted that a Ninth Circuit judge's interpretation of the laws implied that key elements of many classic rock songs, including "Stairway to Heaven", that were recorded prior to 1978 were not protected by copyright to begin with. The panel declared that the scope of copyright for those songs is limited to what was included in the deposit copy of the song's sheet music provided to the Copyright Office; at trial Page had testified that the deposit copy included neither the intro that was under dispute nor his guitar solo. Bloomberg reporter Vernon Silver found that the deposit copies of other classic rock songs from that era, such as "Hotel California", "Born to Run" and "Free Bird", include only the song's basic chords, lyrics and melody, without any solos or other distinctive musical touches. Copyright law experts could not say whether those elements are copyrighted or not; Led Zeppelin's lawyers have argued they are even if not included in the deposit copy. Silver made an electronic mashup of several of these elements from different songs and included it with the article.[58] On 9 March 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, California, ruled in favor of Led Zeppelin, in that "Stairway to Heaven" does not infringe on the copyright of "Taurus". The full Ninth Circuit used their decision to overturn the controversial "inverse ratio rule" which it had relied over the past several decades in past copyright rulings, stating "Because the inverse ratio rule, which is not part of the copyright statute, defies logic, and creates uncertainty for the courts and the parties, we take this opportunity to abrogate the rule in the Ninth Circuit and overrule our prior cases to the contrary."[59][60] This verdict immediately applied to pending cases within the Ninth: a long battle over Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" in which a jury had found against her for US$2.8 million was overturned a week after the Ninth's verdict in "Stairway to Heaven", in part of the Ninth's new finding and that in the case of "Dark Horse", the similarity argument weighed heavily on the inverse ratio rule.[61] On 5 October, the Supreme Court of the United States denied to grant certiorari to Andes and the trust, leaving the Ninth's circuit ruling in place in favour of Led Zeppelin.[62] The court's decision precludes further appeals, thus ending the copyright dispute.[63] (

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