maandag 27 juni 2022


Soms kom ik op mijn internet struintochtenopmerkelijke dingen tegen. Zo had ik niet verwacht dat er bier in Peru zou zijn...

The most famous Peruvian drink, the Pisco Sour, is a cocktail invented by an American in Lima. He was then taken over by the Peruvians and has since been enjoyed throughout the world. The Pisco Sour consists of a grape brandy, egg white, lime juice and a little sugar. It’s a very refreshing alcoholic drink that you’ll definitely have to taste when you’re in Peru! (

While pisco is Peru’s national drink and certainly claims more plaudits than Peru’s frankly average mainstream beers, it can’t match cerveza in terms of sheer popularity. In Peru, beer is the drink of the masses: it’s cheap, it’s plentiful, and it’s communal. (

Peruvians drink even more beer than Pisco Sour. There are three major brands of beer in Peru: Cristal, Cusqueña and Pilsen Callao. If you prefer a light beer then the Cusqueña Premium is the right choice. If you want to taste something different, try one of the other Cusqueña beers, such as the dark black beer. Cristal is the most popular lager among many Peruvians and can be compared to the Mexican Corona. Last but not least, the Pilsen Callao, which was first brewed in 1863, is the oldest beer in Peru. (

Peruvian Craft Beer Revolution Posted on May 27, 2014 by juan There have always remained a few local or regional breweries that clung on in the face of the market take-over by the big beer companies.   On example is Perkas Ale, which I sampled in Cusco. There have also been some new regional breweries that have managed to get started and hang on.  I’ve heard, for example, of Cerveza Andes in Huaraz and Cerveza Iquitena from Iquitos. And there is, of course, the case of Ayacucho’s Añaños family, who have expanded their nationwide soft drink empire into beer production with Tres Cruces beer. However,  with sole exception of the pioneering Cerveceria de Tomas, there seemed to be a dearth of craft beers and craft beer pubs in Lima itself.   That, fortunately, is changing. Last year I became aware of Cerverias Aldon’s beers from Pachacamac, and in the past year it appears that at least three craft breweries have opened in Lima, and that at least one has a tap room. (

De bekendste drank uit Peru is zonder twijfel Pisco en de bekendste cocktail Pisco Sour (met eiwit). Pisco is bekend over de hele wereld, dit geldt niet voor de bieren uit Peru. Toch is bier erg populair bij de locals. De biermarkt in Peru is bijna volledig in handen van een onderneming, te weten Cervecería Backus y Johnston. De situatie lijkt wat dat betreft op Costa Rica, waar Florida Bebidas een monopolie heeft. Cervecería Backus y Johnston is eigendom van bierconcern AB Inbev. Backus brouwt de volgende Peruaanse bieren Cusqueña, Cristal, Pilsen Callao, Pilsen Trujillo, Arequipeña, Golden en San Juan. In Peru heeft iedere regio een eigen bier, in Cusco drinkt men Cusqueña, in Lima Cristal, in Callao Pilsen Callao, in Trujillo Pilsen Trujillo, in Arequipa Arequipeña en in het Amazonegebied San Juan. In september 2020 kondigde Heineken de overname aan van het biermerk Tres Cruces, eigendom van AJE Group. In Peru is momenteel 95% van de biermarkt in handen van AB Inbev (Backus), de overige 5% wordt gedeeld door Heineken (Tres Cruces) en microbrouwerijen. Buitenlandse bieren die u bijna overal kunt kopen in Peru zijn Corona, Miller en Heineken. De meest gedronken bieren in Peru zijn Cusqueña Dorada, Cristal en Pilsen Callao, van deze drie bieren wordt Cusqueña Dorada over algemeen beschouwt als het lekkerste bier. Cusqueña is beschikbaar in verschillende varianten, de bekendste zijn Dorada (lager – pale), Negra (lager – dark), Roja (lager – red) en Trigo (hefeweizen). Net als in andere landen groeit ook in Peru de populariteit van craft beer, ook al is het om in het land terrein te winnen door het monopolie van Backus. Enkele bekende microbrouwerijen zijn Cerveza Candelaria, Cervecería Barbarian en Cervecería Sierra Andina, de bieren van deze brouwerijen koopt u in de grote supermarkten in het land. Dit zijn enkele voorbeelden van microbrouwerijen met uitstekende bieren. Brouwerijen in Peru Cervecería Backus y Johnston, eigendom van AB Inbev Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in Lima. Bieren: Cusqueña, Cristal, Pilsen Callao, Pilsen Trujillo, Arequipeña, Golden (80% maïs en 20% gerst), San Juan (The natural flavor of the jungle). San Juan is het favoriete bier van Pucallpa, een stad in de jungle van Peru. Brouwerijen: Planta Arequipa, Planta Ate (Lima), Planta Cusco, Planta Motupe (tussen Chiclayo en Piura), Planta San Juan (Pucallpa,), Planta San Mateo (Lima, voor non-alcoholische dranken) AJE Group, biermerk Tres Cruces is eigendom van Heineken Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in Lima. Bieren: Tres Cruces (

Many travelers who arrive in Peru get the initial impression that the perhaps more glamorous ‘Pisco Sour is the drink of choice for the Peruvian people. And while this writer certainly wouldn’t discourage you from a night of sampling Peru’s fine choice spirit, if you’re searching for that authentic Peruvian nightlife experience, beer is undoubtedly the way to go. Now if you’re a backpacker, this’ll probably come as music to your ears: Peruvians drink of beer. In-fact, found that of all the alcohol consumed in Peru that year, a whopping 95% was in the form of beer! To put that into context, that’s almost 80,000,000 liters of beer in one year. The question becomes, then: of these 80,000,000 litres of beer consumed – which beer is best? It’s a big question, and one that could yield you a wide range of differing answers depending on whereabouts in the country you ask it. For instance, those in Arequipa  may be more partial to a bottle of Arequipena than anything else, whereas the locals in Trujillo may, surprisingly, be more likely to recommend you try a bottle of Pilsen Trujillo But although these locals may swear adamantly by their beer of choice, the contest for Peruvian beer supremacy might not be as hotly contested as it seems. That is to say, if you’ve ever been in a Peruvian bar and thought to yourself that a lot of these brands taste a bit familiar you may be relieved when I tell you that no, you’re not crazy. The truth is, when it comes to the battle for Puru’s best beer, the real winner is the Bakus  brewers group. This subset of the SABMiller group produces 7 of the top beer brands in Peru. The most common of these include the Cusqueña, Pilsen Trujillo, Pilsen Callao, Cristal, San Juan & Arequipeña brands. (Interested in visiting any of the breweries mentioned above? ...On any given night out in Peru there are three beers you’re most likely to encounter. Cheap, cheerful and most importantly, plentiful they are Cusqueña, Pilsen Callao Cristal (and if you’re looking for the best places to drink them? Cusqueña is brewed in four varieties (Roja, Negra, Trigo, Dorada) however the most common of these is Dorada. Cusqueña Dorada is a flavorful, 5%, golden lager, brewed with 100% pure barley and SAAZ hops to give it that extra kick. Pilsen Callao, then, is probably the most commonly drank beer in Peru. This national beer’s flavor has gone through many reinventions over its 100 year existence before arriving as the Pilsen that Peruvians both young & old know and love today. It’s a light, bubbly, golden yellow lager with a 4.8% alcohol content. It’ll be instantly recognizable by the end of your trip in Peru from the distinct green hue of its bottle and the slightly bulbous neck. Finally, then, we have Cristal. This lightly golden, American-style lager has been described by its brewers as a ‘classically brewed beer’ with a refreshing taste and ‘just the right amount of bitterness, persisting long enough to welcome on the next beer’. Doesn’t sound too bad, does it? And if that testament isn’t enough for you, it’s also this writer’s personal favorite. ( image that I came across online.  It's an early advertising poster from the Backus & Johnston Brewery Company in Lima, from back when telephone numbers in the city could be counted in the double-digits. The poster remarks that the brewery -which started as an ice company- possesed a "magnificent" ice facility imported from the U.S.A., and that it's beer-making equipment was "the best and largest in South America." Most notable, however, from a consumer standpoint is the variety of beers made by Backus & Johnston back then: Pilsen, export, lager, märzen, stout, and a dark beer labeled "Gato Negro" (black cat). Decades later, their production had grown massively, and the company itself had expanded into a near brewing monopoly -the Union de Cerverias Peruanas Backus & Johnston- having absorbed other breweries throughout the country.   At the same time, despite the expansion in the number of the company's brands and volume, the beer variety shrank. By the turn of the century the only ones that had survived were the pale lager and a dark lager. In the past decade, however, the company has started to break out of that straight jacket, albeit cautiously.  It has used its Cusqueña brand to float a few "special" beers: Cusqueña Trigo (pale lager made with a percentage of wheat), Cusqueña Quinoa (made, obviously, with some quinoa), and Cusqueña Red Lager.  It has also dipped its toe into the "top shelf" market with Abraxas, a beer it describes as a "super premium" and sells for 400% of the price point of its regular beers. (

Plan B is a series of special-production “experimental craft beers” beers released once a year in large-format 750 ml bottles by Lima’s Cervecería Barbarian. In this post I review Barbarian’s 2020 release, Plan B 004. Plan B 004, released on 21 December 2020, is a Belgian-style tripel made by innoculating a batch of Barbarian’s Belga…(

 Dörcher Bier, a brewery from Pozuzo –a valley in  the region of Junin, settled by German immigrants– has teamed up with Lima Beer Company, makers of Craftsman Cerveza Artesanal, to open up a joint tap room: La Cervecería. In a converted early-20th century house, La Cervecería’s layout had to squeeze into the spaces of the home it once was -parlor, living room, etc.– which creates cozy nooks and crannies for sitting in with friends. (

On a recent trip to Lima, I ventured on two occasions, accompanied by Liz and my cousins, to a spot that I had wanted checked out even before I arrived in Peru: the Barranco Beer Company. Located in downtown Barranco, a half a block from the plaza and the “boulevard” containing the bulk of dance clubs, the Barranco Beer Company was started by the members of a family “with a passion for beer”. They raised the capital and put in a set of  stainless steel conical fermenters which are visible to visitors at the back of the establishment through  a plate glass divider.  They look to be mostly 60-bl tanks.   The brew kettles are visible behind the bar itself. The Barranco Beer Company is, as far as I can tell, the second brew-on-premised beer pub in Lima – after the Cerverceria De Tomas (aka Mi Cebi-Chela) in San Borja. Their bill does lack a heftier, toastier beer like a porter or stout, and they do do some odd stuff – like combining beer with soda- which, I guess, is somewhat traditional in Britain, where this cocktail is known as a “shandy”.   Personally, I think it unfortunate because their beer is actually quite good on its own merits, with the “Weiss Presidente” and the “Bulls Ay” being perhaps their best offerings. The Weiss has a nice body and plenty of the stone fruit and banana aromas that one expects in the style. Even with the beer being relatively expensive compared to what a similar serving of the mass-produced beers cost, the place is a hit and did not lack for business either night that we were there. Barranco Beer Company Avenida Grau 308 Barranco – Lima – Peru (

Now if you’re somewhat of a craft-beer connoisseur you’ll be delighted to hear that the craft beer revolution that has taken the world by storm over the last couple of years has not overlooked Peru. In fact, Peru now boasts one of South America’s most vibrant craft beer scenes, with brands such as Cerveza Magdalena & Cervecería Barbarian in Lima and Cerveza Zenith, the Sacred Valley Brewing Company & Cerveceria del Valle Sagrado in Cusco.  Looking to try some? Well if you’re in Lima, you’re in luck. Offering a wide selection of artisanal brews ranging all the way from crisp blonde ales to sharper, dry stouts, below are just some of the establishments our experts recommend any avid craft beer lover visit during his or her stay in Lima:
Victoria Bar Pedro de Osma, Barranco: Equally well-known among locals for its cocktails, this Barranco based late night lounge also boasts an impressive range of South American craft beers, certainly enough to satisfy drinkers of all tastes. 
Jaya Brewery; Calle Mártir José Olaya 139, Miraflores 15074: On a more quiet note, this restaurant/brewery offers a wide selection of Peruvian craft beers served in more personal, relaxed setting – perfect for enjoying a round over some quality conversation. BarBarian ; Calle Manuel Bonilla 108, Miraflores 15074: Many locals will tell you this Parque Central adjacent bar offers the widest range of Peruvian craft beer in all of Lima – and they’d be telling the truth. Opening 7 nights a week, Barbarian is simply a must visit for any craft beer fans during their stay in Lima. 
And if you’re wondering what this writer recommends?  . This up & coming artisanal craft beer from Lima boasts some unique, quirky, and downright delectable brews  all packed to the brim with eye-popping flavor. Make sure to check them out over on their Instagram
...I’d be remiss to publish any blog entitled ‘The Ultimate Peruvian Beer Guide without at least a brief mention of the rules and regulations that’ll make sure you not only get the most out of your time in Peru, but also get home in one piece. In terms of the legal technicalities, you must be at least 18 years of age to buy/consume alcohol, but let’s just say the enforcement of this law is  at best. In general, vendors will be happy to supply alcohol to customers as young as 15 in some cases. The local police seem to have adopted a similarly tolerant outlook as well with regards to enforcement of this law.Another legal nugget most Peruvian travelers probably aren’t aware of concerns public drinking it’s permitted, as long as one is not in a stationary position. That is to say, public drinking is fair game, as long as you’re walking (or running, jumping – maybe even crawling depending on how your night’s gone). It is only if a person is standing still that public drinking becomes a regarded as a misdemeanour. (

Traditional Beer Drinking Customs
Whether you’re sat at a table in a bar, huddled in a group near a disco dance floor or partaking in an impromptu drinking session on a street corner, you might find yourself drinking in the traditional Peruvian style.
The most notable aspect of this drinking custom is the use of one glass among the gathered group, which is passed from person to person.
To explain the process, imagine Javier and Paolo are knocking back a few beers in a group of five -- with one bottle of beer and one glass:
Javier fills the glass then passes the bottle to Paolo (sitting next to him). Paolo waits with the bottle in hand while Javier drinks.
Javier quickly drains the glass before flicking the froth from the glass onto the ground (this is standard procedure).
Javier then passes the glass to Paolo (the bottle holder).
Paolo takes the glass and refills it before passing the bottle to the next person. He then drains the glass, flicks out the froth and passes it to the person holding the bottle.
The bottle is passed around -- followed by the one glass -- until the beer is finished (at which point someone will normally buy another bottle).
It’s not the most hygienic way of drinking, but it does promote a communal drinking spirit. The glass moves around quite quickly, making it easy to lose track of how much you’ve actually drunk. The speed of drinking also makes rapid inebriation a distinct possibility... (

As a vague rule, whoever finishes the bottle buys the next one and starts the process again. Traditionally, female drinkers don’t pay for anything (that’s left to the men). If it’s your turn to buy a bottle, make sure you buy the right brand — loyal Cusqueña drinkers won’t appreciate a sudden switch to Pilsen.
Alternatively, the bottles will just keep coming and the group will split the cost at the end of the session. (

Drinking Laws
The minimum legal drinking age in Peru is 18 (according to Law 28681). In reality, this law is frequently ignored by both drinkers and vendors, as well as those charged with enforcing the law. Many shopkeepers are happy to sell beer to kids as young as 13, while many police officers will happily ignore even the most persistent infringements of the legal drinking age.
One other notable drinking law is the Ley Seca (literally “dry law”), a law used during national elections. The law bans the sale of alcohol for a few days before and during elections, presumably in an attempt to promote clear-headedness and general order throughout the country. (

The most common way to buy a beer in Peru, in both stores and bars, is to purchase a large bottle normally containing 620 to 650 milliliters (21 ounces) of beer. If you’re drinking in a group, the bottle is shared between the assembled people. Small bottles (310 ml) and cans (355 ml) are also available. Some bars also sell draft (draught) beer known as chopp (on tap from a keg). The average price of a 650 ml bottle is about S/.6.00 ($1.50). The price varies -- sometimes greatly -- depending on location and the type of establishment from which you’re buying your beer. If you buy a beer in a bar or restaurant near Parque Kennedy in Miraflores, Lima, you might pay S/.7.00 for a small 310 ml bottle. In a small store in a regular Peruvian town, a large 650 ml bottle might cost you S/.4.50. It’s a huge difference, so pick your drinking spots carefully if you’re traveling in Peru on a budget. Here’s one thing you need to remember: whether you’re buying bottles in a small store or a large supermarket, the listed price is for the beer itself and does not include the glass bottle. Some stores charge as much as S/.1 extra per bottle, which is refunded when you return the bottles. If you already have some bottles lying around, you can simply hand them over to the shopkeeper instead of paying the additional charge (in other words, a straight bottle swap) (

MAD Brewery, Lima’s newest craft brewery, launched its first commercial offerings a the La Bodega Cervecera store in the El Polo II shopping center. It seems that MAD is launching with a 6.3% abv, 66 IBU India Red Ale, a 6.2%, 56 IBU IPA, and a 6.1% amber ale. They’ll be ones that I shall be keeping an eye out for when I’m down there next. (

I’ve been in Lima a few days, and last night I went out for some beers with my cousin. We ended up at the Nuevo Mundo Draft Bar on Manuel Bonilla Street in the Miraflores district. (

Nuevo Mundo, in Surquillo.... Their facilities are small, producing only 75 barrels a month, but they are expanding into a building that is being constructed next door, on the same property, that will allow them to install larger kettles and fermenters. The brewery was started by a couple of Frenchmen, one of whom, Alain -originally from Alsace- gave us the tour and explained the brewing process, ingredients, and different beer styles.  No small feat, considering that most Peruvians have not had exposure to many styles of beer and brewing terminology. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been easy for small brewers to break into the beer market, although Cereveceria Barbarian, has done a lot to pave the way by getting its products into several major grocery store chains – Metro, Wong, and Plaza Vea.  Most access to craft beers is through a few restaurants and by directly ordering from the brewery. Nuevo Mundo does have a small bottle shop and bar at the brewery where one can buy bottles –or cases!– of brew, or put down a few draughts of their selection of British and Belgian-style ales.  However, they are hoping to expand their exposure and sales volume through their new Nuevo Mundo Draft Bar located in an upstairs space right across the street from the main park in Miraflores, on busy and touristy Avenida Larco. Miraflores city hall hasn’t come back with the final permit approvals, so Nuevo Mundo has been carrying out an extended soft-opening of the Draft Bar for invited guests.   As part of our tour event we had entry to that evening’s session, for which Nuevo Mundo had secured a number of guest beers –including a yummy sour ale with sauco from the Cerverceria del Valle Sagrado, in Cusco– and rolled out a brand new special offering of their own, an imperial India pale ale (about 8% ABV).  We also got the opportunity to compare the bottle and draft versions of their Barihuait barley wine (which I like a lot!). The space is nice and well-appointed, and the staff is quite nice.  I hope the bar does well for the brewery. I think it will. Nuevo Mundo brewery 1227 Prolongacion San Lorenzo Surquillo – Lima Nuevo Mundo Draft Bar Av. Larco 421 (upstairs) Miraflores – Lima (

Op is een overzicht van bieren te vinden.

Despite some fierce brand loyalties among Peruvians, there isn’t exactly a major battle of the beers going on in Peru. That’s because the same company -- Backus -- owns all the major brands. Backus is the largest brewery in Peru and a subsidiary of the Anheuser-Busch InBev, one of the largest brewers in the world. Backus produces all of the most popular beers in Peru, including: Pilsen Callao Cosqueña Cristal Pilsen Trujillo Backus Ice Arequipeña San Juan Pilsen Callao, Cusqueña, and Cristal are the three most popular beers in Peru. In terms of quality, most Peruvians go for either Pilsen Callao or Cusqueña, with Cristal sometimes thrown into the mix. Cusqueña also produces a red lager, a wheat beer, and a cerveza negra (black beer). Brand loyalty is often tied in with regional loyalties: drinking Pilsen Trujillo in Trujillo, for example, or Arequipeña in Arequipa. Soccer-related considerations also affect brand loyalty, including club sponsorship deals and even the naming of teams -- take, for example, Sporting Cristal. Regional brands not produced by Backus include the Iquiteña and Ucayalina beers, both brewed by the Cervecería Amazónica in Iquitos. (

Since about 2012, craft breweries have been popping up across Peru. There are now more than 20 professional craft breweries in the country, including Nuevo Mundo and Barbarian in Lima, Sierra Andina in Huaraz, and Cerveza Zenith and the Sacred Valley Brewing Company in Cusco. Beer aficionados should keep an eye out for these craft beers, many of which are world-class. You'll normally find them on sale in bottles or on tap in the bars of Peru's larger or more tourist-orientated cities. (

Let’s continue with a traditional drink from the Andes, which the Incas used to drink back then – Chicha de Jora. It is a beer produced out of Jora Korn, which is a type of yellow Andean wheat. You will especiallyfind the beer in small villages of the Sacred Valley. The unique thing about the beer is the thick foam. A little insider for you: The tradition is that you dump some beer on the ground and say “Pachamama, Santa Tierra” as a kind of offering for the “Pachamama” (Mother Earth in Quechua). Chicha de Jora is a very interesting drink, which initially brings a slightly sweet taste and at the end a slightly bitter one. .... Chicha Morada is a very famous beverage made of purple corn. The purple corn has its origin from Peru and this was already consumed by the Incas. In addition, Chicha Morada has numerous health benefits such as Lowering blood pressure or reducing heart disease. This non-alcoholic beverage is made out of cooked purple corn with pineapple, cinnamon, sugar and clove. You must try Chicha Morada during your time in Peru, because the taste is unique and you most likely won’t find it anywhere else.(

Chicha is originally made with spit! And that is reason enough to take a closer look at this traditional beverage from South America. Peruvian culture has evolved around the country’s location along the Andes as well as the produce that favoured the highland climate. Potatoes and corn are the two main agricultural products which are prevalent all over the country. Both exist in many different shapes and colors and find use in a wide variety of dishes in Andean cuisine. While Peruvians process corn into many delicious things, Chicha is for sure the most famous one. Chicha is basically Peru’s local, indigenous beer. The corn-based drink comes in two main variations. There is the alcoholic Chicha de jora and the non-alcoholic Chicha Morada. The yellowish, cloudy Chicha de jora is a sour beer made from fermented jora corn. The beverage has a rather acquired taste, especially for Western tongues. Even today’s non-spit version of the drink – we will get to the spit part later – isn’t necessarily for the faint of heart. Apart from the taste, the lengthy storage in not-so-santiary conditions as well as the fermentation may have some effects on sensitive stomachs. In contrast, the sweet, purple Chicha Morada is a safe bet. Its color may somewhat resemble that of blood but don’t let that put you off, it is delicious! You can get Chicha Morada pretty much anywhere in Peru, from street stalls and home kitchens to fancy restaurants. It is a great drink to accompany other delicious Peruvian foods like Anticuchos or Picarones. *

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