donderdag 27 januari 2022

My goodness my Guinness Blonde IPA!

Guinness Blonde IPA | 5,0% | India Pale Ale 


GEUR Aroma's van citrus met bloemige tonen.

SMAAK Een verfrissende, bittere smaak met toetsen van citrus en bloemen.

AFDRONK Een bittere afdronk.

CULINAIR Lekker met pasta met tomatensaus, hamburgers en gerechten van de barbecue. 


Ik dacht bij Guinness dat ze enkel stouts brouwden, maar blijkbaar hebben ze ook IPA in hun portfolio. De vliegende toekan met de 2 glazen op z'n snavel nodigde mij uit om het blik te kopen. De smaak is moutiger en minder bitter dan verwacht. Het is geen hopbom. Het doet me meer denken aan een tripel of zwaar blond. De afdronk is overigens wel lekker bitter. 

Guinness Blonde IPA is een verfrissend bier met een bittere smaak en toetsen van citrus en bloemen. De IPA heeft een bittere afdronk. (

"Fris, licht fruitig en mild bitter. Afdronk en nasmaak hebben een licht bittertje. Gezien de toevoeging IPA op het blik, had ik een stevigere bitterheid verwacht. Het bier heeft wel een mooi kleurtje. " Peter Reijntjes... "blonde ipa, fijn aroma maar mist de echte hop bitterheid" Collin Bouman.... "Lekker doordrinkbaar bier. Minder hoppig en bitter als een 'gewone' IPA" Pascal Wevers (

 Gelukkig ben ik niet de enige die de hop mistte. Ik mis de hopbommen van Phillips.

Longboat CHOCOLATE PORTER Longboat pours a beautiful dark brown and oozes bold chocolate flavour. Its rich velvet texture smoothes the senses. (

Okee, dat is een verkeerd voorbeeld. 

Amnesiac DOUBLE IPA Not for the faint of heart – or the forgetful – the Amnesiac is a big beer with massive amounts of hops and a tonne of flavour and aroma. .... Hop Circle IPA Taste probes activate! Packed full of bright citrus hops, this otherworldly IPA will abduct your senses! It’s a close encounter of the thirst kind. .... Citricity GRAPEFRUIT ZEST IPA Freshly peeled grapefruit sparkles off the nose, with crisp citrus flavours set against a backdrop of fruit-forward hops. ... Little Wonder HAZY IPA A NUTRITION TABLE ON A BEER? ALTHOUGH BEERS AREN’T MEANT TO BE SCRUTINIZED LIKE STATISTICS ON HOCKEY CARDS, WE WANED TO PROVE TO ALL OF THE CALORIE COUNTERS OUT THERE THAT THEY CAN STILL ENJOY A DELICIOUS CRAFT BEER. ENTER LITTLE WONDER HAZY IPA, WHO’S FLAVOUR IS MIGHTY BY THE OUNCE BUT TREADS LIGHTLY WHERE IT COUNTS. TAKE THE INFO AT FACE-VALUE, BUT TRUST YOUR TASTEVALUE. AFTER ALL, THAT’S THE REASON WE DRINK CRAFT BEER IN THE FIRST PLACE. iOTA Hazy IPA HAZY IPA iOTA Hazy IPA is low on bitterness & full of citrus and juicy fruit notes. Our house malted barley lends a hand in creating a smooth sip and helps carry that tropical hazy hop profile.(

Green Reaper FRESH HOP IPA Brewed with whole-cone hops delivered fresh to the brewhouse, this fresh hop IPA only comes once a year at harvest, so grab it if you see it!...Hoperation TRIPEL CROSS IPA Pop the cap on this bomber, and hear the sirens wail. This IPA slams hop-first into a classic Belgian yeast to create a super-fortress of flavour. (

Phillips is een Canadese bierbrouwer met behoorlijk wat IPA's in hun gamma. Ik dacht dat ze uit Nieuw Zeeland kwamen. Daar heb ik voor het eerst kennisgemaakt met 'too hoppy'. 

Breweries big and small regularly win international awards, and Kiwi beer lovers are spoilt for choice. This wasn’t the case in 1981. Back then, the word craft was only used was to describe the crocheted socks your nana churned out for the church fair.

Then, in 1981, a man called Terry changed all that. He was a publican, and didn’t think much of the beer he could get for his pub, so he thought: ‘What if I brewed some myself?’. No-one had applied for a brewing licence for 50 years, and no-one could even remember what forms you had to fill out. But he persevered, and he got his forms, and he got his licence, and he brewed his beer, and what he brewed was Mac’s. It didn’t get any easier. Finding a brewery to brew in, and some bottles to put the beer into, and bottle caps to seal it with was equally hard.

Being a pioneer is hard work, but beer drinkers liked what they tasted, so the hard work began to pay off as Mac’s started to make a name for itself. A few of those beer drinkers also thought ‘What if we brewed some ourselves?’, and soon, a few more of those brewing licences got filled out. Thirty-odd years down the track, Mac’s is proud to have played a key role in kicking off our thriving beer scene, and even prouder to still be brewing award-winning naturally brewed beer that Kiwis love today.

Terry himself has moved on, but the spirit of ‘What if’ still runs through everything we do in our beer range, our ciders, our non-alcoholic sodas, or the Mac’s Brewbars around the country. The ribbed bottle and the rip cap are symbols of Mac’s pioneering history, and we look forward to carrying on in the same imaginative and passionate way for many years to come. (

Whether the big game is in a stadium or your backyard, Ballpark is sure to be a hit. With a glove-full of Citra hops thrown in from the outfields of the US, this light and refreshing pale ale will smash your thirst out of the park. Flavour/Taste A subset of the pale ale style, this XPA is extra pale in colour with a light bready malt character that has just enough sweetness to support ht delicate bitterness of the American Citra hops, resulting in a beer that is light and refreshing on the palate with a fruity aromatics and a balanced clean finish.  (

Apparition Do your eyes deceive you or is that a ghostly galleon laden with a bounty of juicy hops hidden in the mist? Set sail into the hazy unknown for a supernaturally fruity burst of tropical and citrus flavors followed by an eerily smooth finish.  Flavour/Taste: Gaining more and more popularity among craft beer aficionados and novices alike, hazy IPAs are characterised by juicy flavours, a big viscous mouthfeel and very smooth bitterness along with turbidity or cloudiness, giving the resulting beverage the appearance and flavor of a refreshing glass of alcoholic fruit juice (

Magic Hour Photographers love the hour around sunset, and it’s a pretty good time for a Hazy Pale Ale too.  Do your selfie a favor, crack a can of Magic Hour and say cheese or cheers! Flavour/Taste Magic Hour is a Hazy Pale Ale – light, cloudy golden appearance.  Pale malts give the beer a light biscuity background to which aromatic hops are added to give a fresh hoppy taste and aroma without any harsh bitterness.  Magic Hour is a session-able beer. (

Green Beret First impression/ Getting into character Brewed to produce flavours of citrus, pine & tropical fruit. This India Pale Ale is then dry hopped for an explosion of hop aroma & flavour.  Powerful and precise, Green Beret packs an arsenal of citrus and pine flavours with a skilfully controlled explosion of hoppy goodness. Mac’s Green Beret IPA is named after the assertive punch of the US hops, but like any good soldier it also knows the virtues of discipline and restraint. The result is a well-balanced IPA that has a complex and rewarding flavour profile. A bit of history This recruit is still a little on the green side, but with promise like this it’s sure to keep future award ceremonies under heavy fire. (

Er zijn nog  heel wat IPA's te proberen...

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